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We had some interest from our new Patrons (welcome all!)  to re-upload the digital version of our comic book which goes hand-in-hand with our album Devolver.  Click on the image above and it will take you to a website where you can "flip" the pages, and read it.  We recommend listening to the songs on Spotify as you go!  Enjoy! 

(Please don't share the link anywhere as this is only for our Patrons!)  Thanks all!


Digital Comic Book

Digital Comic Book The Fantastic Plastics Devolver Comic Book (2015) Printed and sold with merch in 2015, the Devolver Comic Book was the companion to the album of the same name. Each chapter is a song from the album, and the dialog are the lyrics from that song. Jump in and Devolve!


Tee SToney

YAY! Going to see if I can track this down in hard copy, too. This is one of those rarities I'm trying to get, along with that indie scifi film Blood Machiines on blu ray.