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Greetings Citizens!! As we head into the Memorial Day weekend we dug up an oldie for you.  Those of you who watch the stream or have seen us perform our song The Braintrust may have noticed a little musical interlude of The Final Countdown during the intro with an audio sample from an Apollo launch. We created that cute little instrumental version of Final Countdown, by Europe, many many years ago, and we just found the original files for it!  If memory serves we created the tracks in a very old version of FruityLoops including some of our old Moog synth patches. 

We've included 2 versions of the song. 1 with and 1 without the Apollo samples.  It's a silly one, but maybe you'll find some use for it, like your own amp up music before hitting the bowling lanes, or as your try to steel yourself for the kids being home all Summer on break.  Look, you do you!!!  =)

We also wanted to take a moment and just say thank you to each and everyone of you for sticking with us through thick and thin, and for being there during our streams and spreading the good vibes around.  It's been a rough year, a rough couple of years, to say the least behind the scenes.  But things are looking brighter and better every day.  In this last month we've made huge progress on the new album.  We have 5 or 6 songs left to finish to make it a real deal!  The goal is to have something ready by Devotional in September where we'll be performing live.. tick tick tick tick tick tick. 

Once we finish the rest of the new original songs we are going to dive deep into the list of suggested cover songs for streaming.  We have so many we want to do.  We never intended on taking nearly 2 years to record a new album, but quite frankly Tyson is a little nutty about making this one real nice!  

Finally, the stickers and the Tier 3 patches will be headed to the post office over the weekend. With the holiday on Monday, some of you may not get them until later next week.  

Keep on Keepin' on and we'll see you all real soon! 


Don Mills

Yay the best version ever. Hated the original so much, this is way better.