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Greetings Citizens.  Here's a spooky little number from the Plastic vaults.  'Instamatic' was recorded way back in 2009 and is, to the best of our memory, the only FP song with Dylan (Chicken Burger Disco) on lead vocals.

Not sure why we didn't release this properly back in the day.  It probably would have wound up on DEVOLVER if we had released it when Dylan was still playing the live shows with us, but by that time we were in NYC with Miranda on synth and vocals in our live shows.  

This song has aged super well, especially considering how far social media has come since 2009. In fact, this song may seem like it's about Instagram, but IG didn't hit the app stores until 2010!! We might have to work up a new version of this one for the stream with either Tyson, Miranda, or both of them singing it live.  What a great song!!!  


Keith Kaaos

OMG!!!! CBD’s got some killer vocal power! Must be all the brotein 💪

Don Mills

Wait a minute, yet another sound vibe from the Plastics? Holy Brotein as Keith said, this has such an old school pop punk sound. What an cool old school vibe guys. Thanks for sharing, feel like I am at Shafer Court listening to the opening act for GWAR again with this song!

The Fantastic Plastics

There was a moment, way back when, where we were considering our look and sound and we almost went more dark wave / goth. This song is a pretty good example of what we could have sounded like... Mix this in with Machines Do the Work and a couple of our other moody songs and you'd have "The Drastic Elastics" =)