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Greetings Citizens of the Plastic Party.   It's been too long since we've talked.  There's been a lot of fun stuff happening behind the scenes with the stream and the band and we wanted to catch everyone up on all the happenings. 

Hopefully you'll all noticed by now that we've been posting weekly "Rewind" videos from our stream on YouTube.  These are supercut highlights from the weekly Friday night streams. And from those "Rewinds" we are also posting "short" content vertical videos on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube. We have Gojira1000 to thank for all of this fine work.  He's been a huge help to us. Not only is he excellent at catching some of the best moments from our stream and editing them into a lovely video, but he's also super fast, turning them around for us to post on Sunday. Please tell him thanks if you've been enjoying the videos as much as we have!  

FPtv - You may also start to notice some slight re-branding of our streaming and video content as "FPtv" - We aren't exactly sure what we are doing with it yet, but we are looking to expand on our content a bit and the idea of FPtv seems to encapsulate that.  While our focus will always be music, we also enjoy the little characters we do on stream, like Jerry Numans, MacDawnuh, Parallax, etc, and we want to get back to having occasional guests on for short segments, like we did with the Windbag.  In fact, we have a number of guests lined up of the next few months, including YerOldDad, Databaes, and others. This will be like a once or twice a month event for awhile. 

Behind the scenes we've been making a number of stream improvements.  At this point most of them are invisible to the viewer experience, but over time these changes will allow to update our special FX, create new types of scenes, and so on.  We are excited to freshen up the stream a bit, while still keeping the familiar look and feel of the stream.  In fact, it has been the "Rewind" videos that has really given us some perspective on where we can improve the stream. We will be leaning in heavily on the retro 80s feel of the stream, mixed with our own brand of surrealism and popart. (now I'm hungry for Pop Tarts)

Later this month, Thursday March 28th, we have a live gig in Bloomington Illinois at a club called "Nightshop".  We'll be supporting a friend of ours who is an amazing national touring artist called "Otnes". Not sure if any of you were planning on traveling for this show, but we should forewarn you, as a supporting act, our show likely be shorter, 35 to 40 minutes, and just straight up music, banger after banger.. and likely no streamcentric antics this time around.  =) 

Finally, we just wanted to say thank you all again and again and again.  Your support makes this all possible. When we started this Patreon we never dreamed we'd have so many members.  Y'all help bring our creative dreams to reality. 

P.S. Monthly stickers and Tier 3 New Elite patches will be headed your way before the end of the month. We hope you all enjoyed your Valentines themed ones last month.  

Stay tuned and keep on keepin' on.


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