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The world keeps getting more expensive. 

But I don't want to change anything about the level prices! However, there will be one small change from now on. 

For those of you who would like to have the comics as a PDF, you will have to pay the one euro for the "Bonus for the artist" level. 

This applies retrospectively to all projects from January 1st, 2023. All other content will remain as before. Thank you for your support!

Enjoy life and enjoy my art!





Love your work. Is there a way to filter your posts to only see the ones that have the full comic pdfs? Because right now I’m scrolling and keep “spoiling” myself so to speak. Like I want it to stay a surprise while reading the comic what’s gonna happen next. But now because of the scrolling I keep seeing the ending of every comic 😅


Also just wanted to say. You’re so underrated! I’ve been member of many TF patreons now and yours is truly the best quality. A lot of them have a lot more patreons and the art isn’t half as good as yours. Great art and very hot storylines.


For the new comics (from this year), the PDF files are saved with the hashtag "PDF". Unfortunately I didn’t do that before, but I will always revise the old posts.


I am very happy that you like my work so much! I don’t know how others do it, that they get more followers.