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  • october_2023_wrap-up.m4a



my plans for november, december... the rest of the year and reflections on two years of alekirser :>

spotify playlist  


Cameron (Bobbi B)

Ally, it's been an absolute pleasure following and supporting your journey these last 3 years. I wouldn't change any of it for the world. Getting to be a part of such an amazing community that you've curated and nurtured has been an absolute joy. Meeting so many people I can truly call friends. Your work has helped me so much through tough times and I've learned so much about so many things, including myself. So I just want to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart for all that you've done and everything you continue to do. There are of course older audios I would say are timeless Alekirser classics, youve continued to make such beautiful and incredible pieces of art, both now sfw and nsfw. You're truly an inspiration and such a hard working, and creative young woman. I can't wait to see what the future brings or what you do next. There might be ups and downs through it all but, I know how tough and resilient you are. Life or anything else won't keep you from doing what you love. Ypu know I can't, and wont stop, saying enough good things about you so I'll leave it there for now. Much love, Your Wobba c:


Finally getting around to this, where can we find the highschool reunion audio? 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️