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just another little ramble about growing as a VA and creator

tl;dr: i'm gonna keep doing what i do best, and i'm still the same ally! just with a lot more eyes on me than before.



I can't speak for the erotic audio space, but I know the Vtuber space definitely has a lot of toxicity in it. The sad reality of the internet is that you can measure success by how much abuse you get, the more popular you are the more bitter angry people will appear to try and tear you down. I hope you always put your own wellbeing before anything else and don't ever feel obligated to appease strangers on the internet.

Erik Lamoreaux

I can completely relate to taking on new projects to the point of oversaturation. 😅 While I only have two manuscripts actually completed (Even though they're written out they both still need a lot of work.) I have about ten or twelve story boards for different novels along with character profiles. It's gotten me into a bit of trouble in the past. I had a few people waiting for a revised chapter of one of my finished books and I was off plotting out an entirely new idea 😆. Anyway, it seems like you have quite the juggling act going on. But from what I've seen and heard, you've got this. Wish I could offer even a nugget of info about dealing with your audience, you kind of need one to know how to deal with it. That's actually a fear of mine if I ever do manage to get a book published. I shut myself in and write for a reason, to avoid large amounts of human interaction. Regardless, you keep kicking ass Ally! Wishing you nothing but the best!


It's healthy to be able to vent when you need to, and it's just nice to see that you feel you can do that with your community! I think like-sided trust and understanding between a creator and their supporters helps build a much stronger community. It's not just a machine spewing out content and us throwing money at it for more. I think it's important to see the human in it all and not just numbers and consumption. I'm very new here, but when I choose to support someone it's to support the person and not just the making of the content, and I have a feeling most people feel the same way. There's really so much free content out there you'd never have to pay for anything ever, so when people choose to ("right thing to do" aside) I think it's because they like, respect, and/or care for that creator. So I hope you can keep doing what you enjoy, like when this was just a fun hobby to you, and feel that the good community you're building will keep supporting you through it and share both the rough downs and good ups that will come over time. And in times where it gets really tough, the hate gets to you, or you're burning out, I hope you'll feel you can share it with your community and have them support you like you support them. (Mandatory "English isn't my mother tounge. Hope this ramble makes sense".)