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Wow! Okay. I didn't see that coming! Transistor and The Sexy Brutale were absolutely neck and neck during that poll - and as I ended it this morning there are only 3 votes between them. 

So, here's what I propose. Because the two games are quite short (How Long To Beat has them at 6 hours each), let's just do both! 

We'll start with Transistor and play 'til May 15th. Have a chat. And then play The Sexy Brutale until May 31st, and chat about that game. You can take part in both, just one, or neither!

Transistor is available on Steam and GOG for PC, Mac, and Linux. It's available on PlayStation 4. It's much cheaper on the App Store for iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV, but I imagine the controls are a little iffy if you don't have an MFi controller.

I'm excited - I played a bit of it near launch but it didn't really grab me. So I'll be glad to give it another go and try and see why it's so beloved. 

Oh yes! And if you'd like to talk to fellow Patrons about the game as you play, please join my new Discord server. I don't really understand how to use the service so please give me a shout on here or on Twitter if I've done something wrong! 





Awesome! Transistor is one of my all time favorites :)


Fantastic Mark! Thank you for taking both votes into consideration. I'm excited to see your opinions on both games, as always. :) While I realize Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons did not win the vote, I must urge you try it out in your free time at some point, if you get the chance. And please, do -not- look up anything about the game. The game is enjoyable, but there's an incredibly clever moment in the game that has left quite an impression on many players, myself included. What that clever idea is is something that you will have to find out for yourself. ;)


You're spoiling us!


Nice to have 2 Game Club games!


The Discord server looks great and as I joined people were already underway discussing games and game trivia, though as a Seasoned Discord Veteran(TM) I have a few thoughts that might be worth considering: - As much as we all love people discussing videogames, there's always a risk that things get out of hand. Unless you think you can handle moderating the server yourself (and going by the size of the server I think that might be difficult), you could try to find trustworthy people that are able to keep an eye on the chat. Usually it helps if they are spread out across the EU and US, for the sake of timezones. - More often than not discussions tend to move away from the core subject (in this case videogames) and onto stuff that is offtopic. Having a seperate channel for things unrelated to GMTK could help with that and keep the general chat from being flooded with sports. - While I haven't used the feature myself it is possible to link Patreon accounts to Discord accounts. Right now it seems like anyone can join, which is always a risk. You will also be able to allow different donor ranks to have different roles. Read more here: <a href="https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-get-my-Discord-Rewards-" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-get-my-Discord-Rewards-</a> - I'd also suggest a read-only channel which contains information like chatrules etc. Just so that it's the first thing people see when they join and makes sure nothing is lost in the depths of the general chat. All in all I'm happy about the server and /very/ excited that you decided on both games! Transistor is a favorite of mine and The Sexy Brutale looks right up my alley. :)


All good notes, cheers dude. Will definitely set up a read-only chat, will consider new channels as things go along, and will definitely think about mods!

Parachuting Turtle

Cool! When I saw the title I immediately thought "whatever, I'm just gonna play the Sexy Brutale instead anyway". And then I read the post and smiled.