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Hey team. Thanks so much for your support in January.

Post script

So, this was my first month doing Game Maker's Toolkit full time. It was fun and weird and it completely flew by and I think I worked harder than I have any other month of my life! 

For the first time in ages, I managed to release three videos. There was one on The Last Guardian's skill at telling stories through the unique language of games. Another on the refreshing FPS design of Doom and Titanfall 2. And a new instalment of Boss Keys, focusing on Twilight Princess.

As ever, I look back on these videos with a dizzying mix of pride and regret. I'm very pleased with them all, and they've had a fantastic reception in terms of comments, likes, and media coverage - but at the same time I find myself sorely disappointed in certain aspects, and anxious to improve in the future.

I know this is (mostly) just part of doing creative work and putting your work out in front of other people. But I always want to talk about it - working through this is as much a part of GMTK as writing scripts and editing footage. And I think it's important for people to be open and honest about this aspect - hopefully so other creative people know that it's not just them.

Anyway. I guess all I can do is look to the great poet and philosopher, Sonic Adventure 2, and listen to its words: Live and Learn. Hanging on the edge of tomorrow. Whoa, whoa, OH YEAH!!!!! [Guitar solo].

Sneak Peek.

Let's have a quick chat about plans for February. Though, I don't want to spoil stuff for those who like the surprise of seeing a new Game Maker's Toolkit land in their subscription box! So let me be tactical...

Let's just say that my current plan for Video 1 is to look at how this game explores character through level design. And Video 2 will get us ready for a big release in March, by looking back to the enchanting world of this game .

I will hopefully do a Boss Keys episode on both Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, too. But it depends how long those games take to beat. I'm about a third of the way through Phantom Hourglass currently. 

Oh, and we're doing Game Club next month, for anyone who wants to take part! Poll coming tomorrow.

Mark's Month

I hope you dug this month's Patreon-exclusive content. You got a questions and answers video, a thing about "How I write a script", a huge 2016 audit, a reading list, and $3 Patrons got a Playlist video. 

If you DON'T care about this stuff, please note that Patreon offers lots of options for emails, on a creator-by-creator basis. And there's a Patreon app, if you prefer mobile notifications.

I finished Persona 4 this month. I really enjoyed this game, and I definitely got that post-game depression of having to leave a lovely world and great characters behind. Goodbye Inaba!

Some bits I really appreciated:

  • All the friendship / social link stuff directly impacts the RPG battles, which keeps story and gameplay nicely intertwined. You won't do very well at this game if you don't make friends.
  • Having weeks of casual downtime and weeks of high-stakes drama (when someone is thrown into the TV) fixes a problem that a lot of open world games face where you put important, high-stakes events on pause so you can do some silly side-quests. (See: Fallout 3 / 4). Persona 4 gives you the best of both worlds.
  • Deciding where to spend time in the game means giving up time in other aspects - which makes the stuff you DO choose to do feel more meaningful. A broad example is that by choosing a girlfriend, you miss out on the dialogue with the other girls. Unless you hook up with everyone. In which case, you're awful. 

I've also been playing Resident Evil 7. I wouldn't normally play this: I don't like horror games and I've skipped stuff like Outlast, SOMA, and most of Alien Isolation. But hey, it's Resident Evil! What am I gonna do? 

It is terrifying. And, I'm making it way, way, worse by playing with PlayStation VR. But, you know, if you play horror games to get spooked then you might as well go all in, you know? And boy does it crank up the fear. Playing in VR is dark, claustrophobic, and oppressively tense. I'm inching through pitch-black rooms, and wincing as I open every door and turn every corridor. This game is going to take years off my life.

I love the return to classic Resident Evil level design, as you might expect! I don't love the return to Resi 3-style immortal, stalking enemies. Not from a design perspective, I should stress, but from a "I'm going to have a heart attack" perspective. That shit gives me nightmares.

I ditched a few games this month. I decided that I wasn't having much fun with Watch_Dogs 2. It's nice enough but the hacking elements are so simple that it really doesn't allow for much freedom or self expression. They're just a little icing on top of a pretty bog standard stealth game. Complete with open world filler, a tone that never clicked with me, and some boring missions. 

I also started Battlefield 1 and Gears of War 4 but after binging on Doom and Titanfall 2 for the video, I just couldn't go back to that clunky, clungy, stop-and-pop stuff.

I also did some consultancy work this month and I attended a Game Jam. It was a fun and interesting experience - but mostly just for seeing old friends! I didn't do much on the game (a tiny game with 4, sometimes 5 designers is not a recipe for a coherent vision! Also, I was lazy) but you can play it here if you want. It's an escape the room game made in Twine. 

And I think that's it! Once again, let me give you my sincere thanks for letting me do this as a job. I never want to take you guys and girls for granted and I hope you know that I work tirelessly to meet your expectations every day! 

Here's to February! 



Liam Harvey

I'm reading this newsletter while the credits roll for RE7—if you can persevere through all the madness, it's a genuinely great leg up for the series. Clearly made with the right creative impulses; it's very different yet pleasingly very nostalgic. And to think I had written off RE7 completely! I only completed Persona 4 last January myself, was similarly bowled over. Doesn't it just make you VERY excited for P5 in April?! My god. And lastly, while I think everyone here would certainly say they hugely enjoyed your output in January—what specifically has given you regrets? All creators see the flaws in their work—almost alarmingly so—so what did you see? Cheers for the update!


For Persona 5 - i'm not sure i'm ready for a big JRPG again so soon, but we shall see! As for the regrets - i don't want to dwell on them too much but boss keys needs a change in tone and direction, and i'm not sure the FPS one really hit my mission statement as well as a video should

Liam Harvey

Interesting. Well, as I say, you'll always be your worst critic! Upwards and onwards sir.

Lorenzo Hulzebos

Looking forward to February's videos! I've been meaning to get into the game for the first video for a while, but never brought myself to actually play it yet. Maybe I'll get some motivation to do so after your video! I've also been going through Phantom Hourglass after I beat Twilight Princess HD last month just in time for your Boss Keys video on the game. Currently I'm about 75% in, just got the second mineral, if you know what I mean. Don't expect I'll finish Spirit Tracks before you put out the new Boss Keys, but who knows? One thing I hope you'll cover in that video is how you actually have to carry the boss key, which, you know, the series is called Boss Keys. Gotta put those boss keys in your Boss Keys so you can talk Boss Keys while you're talking about boss keys.


You went to a game jam? Was it the Global Game Jam? I actually went there myself about a week ago. Granted, I have only had a months at my university, so there wasn't a lot I could do. Still, I see this as more of learning experience. Maybe make a few connections that could be useful in the long run.


Great to hear that you're moving forward. Also, props for the SA2 reference. :D Honestly, I very much enjoyed your recent videos on the Last Guardian and DOOM & Titanfall 2 that I just had to watch them both during the early access period as well as when they went live. :P Good luck in the coming Boss Keys. It's always a pleasure and very thought provoking.


That was a great month, hyped for the next. I have to admit I found the GM's Playlist video a little lackluster, but that's probably just because I'm a bit tired of mobile puzzlers personally. And then I realised, you know what, with the Q&A, the audit and scripts, we've been spoiled. All the best Mark!


Super glad you enjoyed P4. That game will always occupy a special place in my heart, unless P5 has anything to say about it. If you want to hang out in Inaba a little longer, the Arena games and Dancing All Night are canonical, substantial additions to the Persona 4 story.


Play Soma, it is not as scary as other games, or at least I don't remember it as such, and it is really enjoyable.


I feel like I don't take the time to say this often enough, but I've really been enjoying your content lately. Hands down, you're one of my favorite channels on YouTube. I'm glad that working on GMTK full time has been going well for you, and we're all here for support if you ever need it!


You can't be that bad with horror games. I got scared by F.E.A.R. and people make fun of that game's shitty horror sequences!

Liam Harvey

Your vid on set pieces was excellent by the way, top work buddy!


Awesome videos Mark, any subjections besides the reading list of subjected books about Game Design or Game Development in general?


I just wanted to say that SOMA is totally worth playing if you ever do get a chance. It's not too scary, the gameplay honestly is just fine but it's has a really good narrative that elevates the game I think.