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Hey everyone. Thanks for your questions this week. Here are the answers - hope you find them interesting. If you have any suggestions for longer posts, like Julian's Q about scripts, lemme know.

Right, weekend time now - new episode and Patreon rewards out Monday and Tuesday!


Patreon Q&A 2017

Uploaded by Mark Brown on 2017-01-27.



Thanks Mark! I know you might think its awkward, but I quite like hearing these unscripted thoughts!


This was great. Thanks Mark, looking forward to the poll, and good on your dad for the help :D

Ossian Olausson

Super great Mark! thanks a lot

Liam Harvey

Cheers Mark! You know, you're not half as bad as the unscripted stuff as you think. Nice insight as always.


Great questions with great answers. And hey, thanks. :)


Great answers! Thanks!!


Was a nice video.

OSW Review

this was great to hear you talk candidly . what if u taped the lectures then spliced in your slides afterwards to make a youtube vid?


Great video -- really interesting to hear your answers.


That was nice! I didn't feel bored at any point. Don't be so shy about non scripted episodes ;)


You're quite articulate off the cuff honestly. You shouldn't worry too much about having to have a script in front of you. Also, when it comes to podcasts, there's a certain expected pacing. I.E. it's common for podcasts to be 1 hr or more. A lot of this is because of the fact that the conversation is unscripted, and that's what people like about podcasts; they feel honest. This was great and I'd be interested in more Q&As in the future.

Rich Stoehr

You made Peter Molyneux cry?? No fair, just dropping that little tidbit and not elaborating. I know what I'll be asking if you do this again... And I hope you will! Really nice to see your shout out to other game reviewers you like, in particular Noah Gervais - his videos are very different from yours, but yours and his are the ones I generally get most excited about watching. Cool to see that you're into it too... Like a connection I didn't know was there, but makes complete sense that it is. Thanks for doing this!