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Hey everyone!

Things are going well - Last Guardian episode got great comments and the video was covered on Engadget. Twilight Princess Boss Keys is exporting now and will be live today or tomorrow. And the next episode of GMTK is in the scripting phase.

I haven't done a Questions & Answers for a while, so let's do it! Please leave your questions in the comments below and I will answer them in a video next week.


A quick extra update: I read some stuff that suggests that YouTube is less likely to promote videos that are unmonetised. So I've turned on the absolute lowest-impact ads on some vids, to see if anything happens.

These are the ads that sit on the suggested video column, to the right of your video and shouldn't intrude on the video-watching experience at all.

It will also give us some more interesting stats to dive into in the future! 

There's also this. It's a remake of my Resi 4 video, in Portugese. It's very cheeky, and I won't pretend that I'm not dissapointed. The only shoutout I got was a note at the end of the description - not even a link! 

But ultimately I don't want to spend the time and energy fighting it. And because these videos are made - in part - to inform and educate, I guess I'm okay with the info getting out to as many people as possible.

Finally, I'm going to be taking part in this Global Game Jam thingy with some friends this weekend. I'll let you know how that goes!




There are lots of ways games are being used as the catalyst for great art and media. There's the classical style of media/culture criticism, the analysis and breakdown (like what you do), there's the "friend on the couch" lets-player-types, games review as consumer electronics reporting, the McElroys etc. What style/format of content do you think is currently underrepresented in games media, and why? Will we ever get the talk show, for instance. And if you feel there are people taking interesting, different approaches that people aren't aware of, what is limiting their appeal? I'd obviously love to also hear who your favorite people in this space are.


How do you select the games you play? Can you rank videogame genres according to your preferences? Not necessarily all the genres :), just some of the ones you like.


Yeah, this is two posts now where I didn't get notification.


Did you always intend for Game Maker's Toolkit to be the large series it ended up being? Looking back on your first videos from 2 years ago, you didn't mention GMTK until your third video and that snazzy logo didn't appear until your nineteenth. Did you start out with intending to just make a single video or did you have a set amount of topics that you wanted to cover before making a decision whether you'd transfer into a series or not?

Ossian Olausson

1. Any chance you'll cover some multiplayer stuff going forward? Such as Counter Strike, Dota or the like? I'd be really interested to get some more knowledge and also see what you have to say on mechanics and systems employed in say Battlefield 1 or so. Oh, and i saw you posting on twitter and the like about your Playstation VR headset, how are you planning on covering that on gmtk going forward? 2. If Game Makers Toolkit grows bigger (even bigger than it already has, would you consider expanding in terms of production value, getting more people etc.? I'd be interested to hear what your long term goals are. That's all i have can't come up with anymore questions (and i've tried to come up with some all week) but i hope all is well with you and that the episodes are coming along nicely, cheers!


Hi Mark! How do you feel pricing affects a game? I've played great games that cost $1 and terrible $60 games. Also do you think that the cost of a game has stayed capped at the same price point over the years but inflation has gone up is why we keep seeing so much dlc? Thanks!


Can you talk more about Factorio at some point?