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Hey! Your bonus video for November is a playlist, featuring some games I've been playing in the last few months. I had way more games than I could fit in, so I'm sure I'll be back in the new year with more mini reviews.







I don't think bosses roaring at the start of the fight is that unique to hollow knight. The whole concept actually comes from real life where predators such as lions roar to assert their dominance. As for the particle effects, it's likely just a visual way to show the roar as to not rely on sound alone (for accessibility and what not). Honestly plagiarism in video games is a big gray area. In general I find the consensus is that you cannot own an idea, just the expression of that idea. So Haiku may use a lot of the same mechanics as Hollow Knight, but their expressions are different.

Mitch Makurat

Copying my YouTube comment here: Great video, I'll have to try Patrick's Parabox. I haven't had a good head scratching puzzle game in a while. Also, have you checked out Signalis yet? It's definitely my game of the year