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Taking notes, collecting quotes, and organising my thoughts is important for every video I do. They often start as a big mess of ideas that coalesce to orbit around some unifying theory or point. The one I'm working on at the moment had so many different things I wanted to mention that I just couldn't get it to gel in my head. Every time I tried to get it into a proper structure it would start to work - then fall apart like a Jenga tower. So I went with a different process - I wrote all my quotes onto small bits of paper (this one is very quote heavy) and the outline onto full paper and then went to town with a stapler. It took a while but I think I've done it! I'm happy with the flow and structure. There are some bits I can't fit in but sometimes I find that trying too hard to fit something into a project can be super distracting and occlude what's actually important. Never mind - I can talk about it in the future. Next step is to write it in full prose. I think I'm going to give you guys the script to look at so you can contribute ideas and feedback. I don't want to promise it - it feels a bit weird. But that's the plan. Then recording, capturing, editing, and release! What else is happening? The Nintendo Switch looks good. I'm into that. Red Dead Redemption 2 was less exciting - I'm sure it will be fun but that trailer did nothing for me. Still chatting to IGN about stuff. I'm going to be a judge for an award which is fun. I've got to start planning my university talk. And I'm halfway through Minish Cap - the dungeons are... interesting! Some are classic Oracle-style, others lean towards Wind Waker. Will be a good opportunity to answer the criticisms of the WW video.




Looking at your notes and script giving feedback would be the highest honor as patrons if you feel that's right I'd love to contribute!

Daniel Gallagher

a totally side comment but thanks for always sharing so much things, I have never seen so much feedback from a patreon person I follow. It's really great stuff

Liam Harvey

Interesting to hear about your prep process; when ideas and structure are all still wibbly wobbly. This can make or break videos I make, they can either come together neatly or end up too bloated. Like, right now I'm scripting a video about the use of Lara's mansion across all the Tomb Raider games; how it's changed from being a fun but necessary platforming tutorial, to a narrative-focussed "walking simulator". But then I went on a HUGE research binge into the lack of challenge and control in the modern Tomb Raiders. It can be hard to find the one single "point" you're trying to make with so many options.


That sounds like a cool video! Love TR. Keen to see that. Will it be on Ground Punch's YT channel?


I decided to patron because of the high quality of your videos and scripts, but these post are a nice and unexpected add-on :) Regarding the notes, I'm surprised that you use paper. Haven't you thought or tried using an outliner or a mind mapper tool?. I think they are the best tools for organizing thoughts.


Thanks for requesting feedback from your supporters. It definitely makes me feel like I'm in on the process. Personally, I appreciate your style and creative choices, so I'll likely avoid reviewing the scripts ahead of time. I like to enjoy each new video in its entirety; they're always great surprises when they finally drop. That said, getting a look at your process after the fact is super informative, and like Liam Harvey mentioned, a great motivator for my own creative works.


Will we be able to view your university talk after you presented it?