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At the weekend, I hosted the sixth annual GMTK Game Jam. There was an incredible response: over 22,000 sign-ups and more than 6,000 games. That makes it the biggest jam in Itch.io history. Again. And before you ask: yes, we did crash the site's servers. Again.

The theme for the jam was "Roll of the Dice".

So we got loads and loads of games about probability, randomness, rolling, casinos, and more. I've already played a bunch of the games on stream and it's been fascinating to see so many takes on the same theme. 

I'm now waiting for the final votes to be tallied up, and then I'll make my usual "Top 20" video early next week.

So... did you submit a game? Well, because you're a Patron who makes these game jams possible (as well as everything else on this channel), I wanted to say thank you by offering to play your game! Drop a link to your Itch.io page in the comments below, and I'll put together a YouTube video where I play games made by GMTK backers.

I'm going to record the video tomorrow morning, so please get your game to me in the next 24 hours to make the cut!


(More, non game jam videos are coming soon. One is in the final stages of editing, and another is in the scripting process. And still working on Untitled Magnet Game in the background!)





Im also a bit late, but my entry is https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-jam-2022/rate/1620183


I overscoped quite a bit and I’m missing a ton of what I planned but I’m continuing to work on it after the Jam. https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-jam-2022/rate/1624013