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Hey everyone. Just wanted to say a huge thank you for helping me reach this goal. 

It's massive. Truly mind boggling. I hope I can make stuff that's worth that level of funding.

You might have noticed that I don't really do goals on here. It's for a few reasons: I don't want to look greedy, I'm absolutely humbled and appreciative of any help I receive, and I don't want to make promises I can't keep.

But do know that your support is definitely improving the channel.

I have much more time to dedicate to making videos, now, and that's lead to research intensive episodes like the immersive sim one, and the next episode of GMTK. And episodes with lots of editing like the Spelunky and Shovel Knight eps.

I also have more time to kick back, play games for fun, and do all the other stuff that keeps me relaxed and motivated. Before this I was killing myself working on videos every weekend and most evenings. Now I have more buffer time.

Boss Keys is also a direct consequence of the Patreon. And once that's done, I'll do other projects too.

Anyway, just wanted to check in and say thanks :)



Great to hear it! You're videos are great, keep up the good work.


No, thank *you*.


Keep up the good work man! Looking forward to more of your upcoming episodes!


Thank you so much for your videos, Mark. I became a patron because the quality of Boss Keys blew me away. I'm incredibly proud to be a supporter.


You deserve more honestly.


Congratulations Mark! Truly well deserved!


I think it can only go up from here. Your stuff is true quality.


Congratulations! I signed up for an account purely to support your videos. Keep the great content coming, and I look forward to the next one!


Showing your channel to every game designer / game developer that asks me for something worth his time. I'm proud to support your work Mark, keep on rocking :)


You deserve it, Mark. I really enjoy your stuff and as long as it's as good as it usually is I know all your supporters will be happy. :)


Thank you for high quality, thought through, and professionally delivered videos on game design. As someone who is working on making video games, these videos have helped me identify pros and cons of certain game design decisions. They have also been entertaining and remind me of the games that I love to play. So again thank you for making these videos.


I've enjoyed so much your work, I'm glad patreon is here to actually help people like you produce wonderful material.


Congrats Mark! Seriously, your content has been so consistent since the start. Happy to continue to support such a fresh channel.


Much deserved. You've honestly made video games better for me, and that is worth more than my Patreon Pledge!

Daniel Haas

On " I don't want to look greedy, I'm absolutely humbled and appreciative of any help I receive" - I appreciate the sentiment and love that you feel that way, but I encourage you to push past it. You're producing something awesome and should stand behind that. You're not "begging" or "greedy", you're getting paid willingly for producing a thing that people love. As long as you make good things, that'll be true. I see a lot of content creators treat it like a handout, but it's just a different way of paying people for a product (that's not the traditional pay-to-have model).


Congratulations! Please don't feel pressured to make more videos in shorter time. Just take your time and keep the great work :)


You deserve it, chap. Your editing skills are getting better all of the time. Same goes for your overall presentation. Keep up the good work!