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The iPad and Apple Pencil have been a god send for Boss Keys. Every time I play a dungeon I put a map up on the screen and then doodle on notes, locations of keys, doors, items, and mechanisms. 

At the end I make a little diagram to show the layout of the dungeon. It's a new thing I've come up with, and I'll explain it fully in the Oracle episode. It's a handy, objective way of comparing dungeon complexity from dungeon to dungeon, game to game. And for visualising how a dungeon is put together.  

The app is Paper, by the way, and yeah I'll release these notes at some point. 




Have you seen Rune Skovbo Johansen's tool PuzzleGraph for visualizing puzzle/level state space? <a href="http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/RuneSkovboJohansen/20160406/269732/Working_with_puzzle_design_through_state_space_visualization.php" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/RuneSkovboJohansen/20160406/269732/Working_with_puzzle_design_through_state_space_visualization.php</a>


Amen brother!


I got an iPad Pro 9,7" earlier this summer and it has been great.


I also use the Ipad pro for taking notes (especially when I was playing the witness). I mostly use procreate but I will now check Paper as well. I also made my own apple pencil accessory with my 3D printer :-). Check it out at <a href="http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1698937" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1698937</a> By the way Mark, would you buy a nintendo 2ds or 3ds at this point in it's lifecycle, just to play "zelda, a link between worlds"? I have been in doubt of doing this, because I really want to play that game, but it seems kinda nuts to spend that much money to just play one game?


Well, I guess you can save a big part of the process when you get to Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Trucks ! XD


Nice build! As for the 3DS - there must be more than just ALBW that you're interested in? It's got a fab library! Kid Icarus, Mario 3D Land, Pullblox, BoxBoy, Fire Emblem Awakening, Ace Attorney. Lots of good stuff :D