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Hey! It's a new episode. I'm going to put it live later today but you might as well watch it now, ya cheeky scamps.

Newsletter coming later today but Playlist will probably have to be tomorrow. Apologies! 


Shovel Knight and Nailing Nostalgia | Game Maker's Toolkit

Some games are all about nostalgia - a reminder of how games used to be. No game nails this sensation quite like Shovel Knight, which expertly picks and chooses the right bits to emulate from old games. Here's how Yacht Club Games pulled it off.



Great video, love me some Shovel Knight.


Love the custom NES game titles in the intro!


I stumbled across Shovel Knight accidentally and it captivated me. As a foetus only 19 years of age, my nostalgic games are all on the PS1, PS2 and Xbox - like KotOR, Oddworld and so on. So in that sense, my experience of Shovel Knight was a totally different one. Even without the rose-tinted glasses of the NES, I found great enjoyment in it. It feels good to play on a primal level, almost.


This one is busting at the seams with love and work and smarts. Kudos, Mark!


I know right? That was awesome, it almost had me tricked for a moment.


As always - an amazingly produced video! From the custom NES game titles as mentioned by Luc and Kristijonas to the short sound recording of taking out the cartridge, blowing it out and then putting it back in again - it's details like these that make me really appreciate your videos. Thank you and stay awesome! :)


Your videos are getting really slick; those NES title card mockups were excellent. Your commentary as insightful as always; I love the way you don't just talk about the main game you're examining—in this case, Shovel Knight—but also take a broader view to give us context. Great work!