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So, I often give lectures at universities and game studios around the world. And I thought I could offer you lovely Patrons some more value for supporting me by sharing those lectures as videos!

This was a lecture I gave online for Breda University of Applied Sciences earlier in June. This was a practice run of the talk to make sure it fit within the hour-long slot.

It's about how I convey information in my videos, from abstract structural decisions to specific teaching techniques. All with examples from GMTK episodes you might recognise!

Hope you find it interesting!



GMTK Talk - How to convey complex information



I studied for two years there! Shoutout to NHTV ❤️


Nice one, Mark!


Very cool to have this, looking forward for other like this ^^


Really great resource. Thank you for sharing.


The subject sure is interesting but I think this miss something we usually find in your videos. I've had much trouble sticking to the video, it could be me or it could be because it's a lecture though...


Hey Mark, really appreciate you sharing this with us! Thanks a bunch


This is an hour-long academic lecture - it's not going to be the same as my heavily scripted and edited 15 minute videos ;)

C.J. Smith

This is the first time I've seen what you look like!

Josh Foreman

Going through a lot of this trying to design a robust level editor that also works on any controller for Blankos Block Party

Johan Agstam

Fantastic video. I do lectures myself about autism (I'm autistic), though I haven't for a while due to my mental health. There's definitely some good stuff in here I'll be able to use to improve them when I feel up to it again.


Really great video that actually sets out some good advice for doing talks/presentations in general and not only applicable to games. Will be going through this again to make some good notes.


@40:00 Mark lied in his video?? D: Great video! I'm going to watch this again the next time I make a talk. Also I'm curious if most viewers have played the game, I watch every video even if I've never played it. I've probably missed most of the games, actually. But maybe I'm an exception in that I often find the talk about game design more interesting than the games themselves sometimes


Thanks Mark for putting this together. I'm thinking some of the concepts here can be applied to other mediums such as presentations or blog posts too.


hey mark you temp muted me yesterday so I guess I'll pay you now