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My game history series is back! This time, on my home turf with a look at the British games business. Hope you find it interesting, whether you're from here or not!



The Rise and Fall of Britain's Bedroom Coders | Design Icons

GMTK's game history series Design Icons takes a trip to the UK, to see how the early British games business started as a cottage industry of bedroom coders Support Game Maker's Toolkit on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/GameMakersToolkit Sources [1] November 1984 | CVG https://archive.org/details/cvg-magazine-037 [2] Interview: CCP on the Freedoms of EVE Online | Gamasutra https://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/130822/interview_evolution_and_risk_ccp_.php [3] The forgotten interview with Chris Roberts | Paul Dean https://paullicino.tumblr.com/post/140850063441/the-forgotten-interview-with-chris-roberts [4] No Man's Sky creator: 'We wanted to build a universe' | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/oct/28/no-man-sky-creator-we-wanted-to-build-a-universe [5] The Replay Interviews: Gary Penn | Gamasutra https://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/134644/the_replay_interviews_gary_penn.php?print=1 [6] January 1984 | CVG https://archive.org/details/cvg-magazine-027/page/n15/mode/2up [7] March 1985 | CVG https://archive.org/details/cvg-magazine-041/page/n1/mode/2up [8] Commercial Breaks - The Battle For Santa's Software | BBC (Archived on YouTube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChmQBK_EaUQ [9] Geeks who rocked the world: Documentary looks back at origins of the computer-games industry | The Independent https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/features/geeks-who-rocked-world-documentary-looks-back-origins-computer-games-industry-9997037.html [10] Feature: Jez San On Star Fox, Super FX And Teaching Nintendo How To Fly | Nintendo Life https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2019/12/feature_jez_san_on_star_fox_super_fx_and_teaching_nintendo_how_to_fly Find out more From Bedrooms to Billions | Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/342430/From_Bedrooms_to_Billions/ Sinclair ZX80 and the Dawn of 'Surreal' U.K. Game Industry | Wired https://www.wired.com/2010/06/sinclair-zx80/ How British video games became a billion pound industry | BBC https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/how-british-video-games-became-a-billion-pound-industry/zmr6wty Bandersnatch: The game that killed a company and inspired a Black Mirror episode https://tiredoldhack.com/2019/01/02/bandersnatch-the-game-that-killed-a-company-and-inspired-a-black-mirror-episode/ The Complete History of DMA Design | Mike Dailly http://www.javalemmings.com/DMA/DMA1_1.htm Credits Thumbnail Image licensed from Adobe Stock Fastfall by Lifeformed used under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license Ending Music from Robocop on Spectrum Other Music by Lee Rosevere (https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com) Black Mirror: Bandersnatch © Netflix Further credits - https://pastebin.com/VtimVwmU


OSW Review

Thank u mark! Please consider including a link in the main text? It's a bit laborious to have to click out of the email, then click the thumbnail, then click watch later, then find that in the YouTube app. If it was just a link it'd open straight away in YT, cheers!


Superb! There is also a documentary on the subject called "From Bedroom to Billions". I strongly recommend it if you want know more.


That Robocop song get's me every time!


Fantastic distillation of that whole period, I often look back at that period now and wonder what could have been. I grew up in the 80's had a spectrum and learned some code on it. But never went any further now I through a weird quirk of fate I teach Games Design to college students and I often think back to the early days of gaming, I am going to show this to my students today to give them an insight of what gaming looked like before consoles dominated. Also Mark, please tell me you have thought about doing a full feature documentary on something, I love the size of your videos because they are great to show in the classroom and use as an anchor for a lesson. But I could watch something much longer. If you ever think of kickstarting a project I would be there for it.

Fardin Fahim

damn I had no idea snipperclips was made by a pair of british bedroom coders


I recently finished Netflix' High Score. 6 or so hour-long episodes and I still feel like even all of them put together are nothing compared to a single one of your videos 👌


Really enjoyable. Would love to see a follow up.


Honestly, I thought this would be pretty boring, and only decided to watch it because I love your videos. But it turned out to be really interesting. Thank you, and well done!


Really interesting video. Thanks Mark!


Wow - great direction for Design Icons! Great job :)