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Hi everyone!

Next week you'll be receiving an email from Patreon about some new tax stuff which may affect your pledge to GMTK (and anyone else you back). The firm suggested I reach out to you personally, so you'll know what to expect.

First, this won't affect those living in the EU as Patreon has already be dealing with VAT in Europe since 2015. But it will impact those living in the US, Australia, Japan, and so on.

As far as I understand it, new tax laws mean that digital content is now subject to a tax, and so you may have to pay slightly extra for your Patreon pledges - depending on where you live, down to individual US states. The full breakdown is available here

This won't affect your pledge for May (which is collected in a few days), but will impact you from June onwards (when your payment is collected at the start of July).

As tax rates are also based on the type of content - for example, your name in the credits is exempt from tax - I do get to have a bit of control over this. So I'm doing what I can to save you as much money as possible, while staying within the boundaries of the law! And I'll keep looking into this going forward to do right by you all.

As always, if you need to change or drop your pledge at the end of June because of this, I totally understand and thank you for all the support you've shown GMTK up until now! Otherwise, thanks for your continued backing and here's to many more videos, jams, graphs, and Spelunky references! 

Oh, and while I have you here - the next video is going to be a little longer coming than usual. I decided that I want to really focus on this Mass Effect project and it's pretty enormous. So I'm going to need a few more weeks to cook that one. Appreciate your patience, but I hope it will be worth it!




Wow, so Patreon avoided vat until now? Wow. Actually a good thing then.


Looks like that link doesn't have an associated URL with it yet...?


Thanks for being so transparent about it! I've been paying VAT already so it doesn't affect me much, but it's always good to be clear 👍