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Hello peoples! Here's your vlog update for the month - shot and edited on an iPad, in a hotel room in Paris. Because why not?

If you don't make it through to the end of the video, the main takeaway is this: the most recent video was a real struggle. It required a huge amount of research, clip gathering, and intense editing. It was just tough. 

But it was you guys that kept me going. Knowing that I had all you guys supporting me helped me push on through and get it finished. So thanks!

Also in the video, I tease that I'm doing two episodes of GMT... Live!? Like, on stage. So that's exciting!

Anyway, thanks for everything in October. Onwards!


Patreon Vlog Nov 2015

Uploaded by Mark Brown on 2015-10-28.



Thanks for the vlog. I've added HRM to my steam wishlist as it looked interesting to me (as a masters in computer science student ).


I love these vlogs! Looking forward to the next one :)