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Hello October! Here's your backer-only vlog thing for October.

I apologise for my awkwardness on camera. This is why I don't actually appear on episodes of GMT. But hey, I thought this would be a nice opportunity to get some practice and improve my confidence on camera in case it comes in handy one day.

Let me know if you like the look of anything I gab about in the video. Or just, anything. TALK TO ME

Thanks for your support in September. Good some good episodes planned for this month :D


GMT Patreon backer vlog thing - October 2015

Where to get the games I go on about in this update: Flywrench - http://store.steampowered.com/app/337350/ Dropsy - http://store.steampowered.com/app/274350/ SOMA - http://store.steampowered.com/app/282140/ (PC) SOMA - https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-gb/games/soma/cid=EP1188-CUSA03200_00-HPL3SOMAGAME2015 (PS4) Three Fourths Home - http://store.steampowered.com/app/344500/



You could do a theme per month. Like, this month is "back to basics", other months could be other themes... Also, you dont look weird at all in this video. Your hair looks weird though... ;p


For the "real" GMT videos I agree with your decision to keep yourself as a person a bit more distant. I specifically mean speaking more scripted and not having your face in the video. These vlog type videos are more relaxed, more personal and thus benefit from being less scripted and actually showing yourself more as a person. I hope this feedback is helpful. :)


Your hair looks wonderful (or at least the lighting makes it look nice). Silly question, but what product do you use to style it?


Haha this is odd I use VO5 wax but to be honest I just need a hair cut :P And no, I don't have any plans to use on camera stuff for GMT proper. It's so hard to make it look professional. Would rather focus on the games Thanks for watching!


I thought I wouldn't be able to play Soma because I'm really not into horror games but in fact I'm really loving it. The game is intense mainly because of the atmosphere (and as you said, the sound design is amazing) there is not actual jump scares. So I understand you don't want to continue to play because it puts you a bit too much on the border of your chair, but I would still recommend to continue to play it. The story is actually very good and I found the beginning of the game with the first monster being the most unsettling.


I'm guessing perhaps Ico or Shadow of the Colossus for the next video.... with crossed fingers :3