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Hello! Here's this month's vlog about what I've been up to. Including Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, more Mario chat, and Rocket League.

Apologies for the low quality - just need to make these as easy as possible to upload!

Thanks, as ever, for your support.


GMT Patreon backer vlog thing - September 2015

Hello! Here's this month's vlog about what I've been up to. Including Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, more Mario chat, and Rocket League. Apologies for the low quality - just need to make these as easy as possible to upload! Thanks, as ever, for your support.



It's funny to hear you criticising the voice-acting, considering that that same criticism would sound vaguely xenophobic coming from an American. Hearing it from someone that lives in the same region in which the game takes place, the criticism of "these accents make every hard to distinguish" actually holds water. Could you pinpoint a specific accent, or was it just one or two voice over artists used to kept the game's budget lower? Great podcast, Mark! Didn't even know about EGTTR until now.


It is all unique voice actors, but all the supporting cast have similar West Midlands accents that are tough to parse, and the vicar and one of the main characters (Stephen) have similar, kinda posh Southern accents. To their credit, they did a great job of making it all authentic (they should, being a British studio) so you don't get any weirdness like French designer David Cage's take on America. But yeah, imagine watching a film where all the actor's faces are blurred. You'll spend so much time trying to figure out who is talking to who, you'll miss what they're saying! A strange decision, in my opinion - give me Gone Home's letters or BioShock's audio diaries any day!


Great way to talk about a lot of games without taking that much time :)