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Hello! So, the Metroid Prime trilogy is finally done! Catch my thoughts in the video above.

Next up on Boss Keys will be Hollow Knight - that's going to be a tremendously big project, so I'll let you know when that kicks off. And maybe don't expect to see any videos for a while when that begins :P




The World Design of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption | Boss Keys

Metroid Prime 3 might be best known for its inventive pointer-based control scheme. But in this video, let's take a close look at its world(s) design to see what it can tell us about making Metroidvanias. Support Game Maker's Toolkit on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/GameMakersToolkit Have Mark talk at your studio, university, or event - https://gamemakerstoolkit.tumblr.com



Well, from my perspective 1) there are ways to tell a story without sacrificing exploration (have the story unfold dynamically, or be an archeological tale that happens in the past) and 2) there are lots of games with upfront, linear stories. Metroid doesn't have to do that: that's not what makes the series great! Just my opinion, obvs


"the next one is gonna be a big one". Is that a Hollow Knight fade-in in the background?

Dominique Gendron-Langlois

Hey, I just want to point out (if it wasn't intended) that your chart at 5:30 is titled "Sky Temple Keys - Metroid Prime 2". I guess this is a mistake from a previous template. Just to let you know. Awesome video!

Chad Serrant

So... no Boss Keys video for Other M? I couldn't wait to see that straight line.


ackchyually the Leviathans were sent to the other planets on their own, not because of the one over Norion getting destroyed. 0/10 boo hiss (but really, great video)


Only just getting into Hollow Knight. Bloody beautiful game, and yes, very long and complex! I look forward to that one, Mark!