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Hey! I want to tell about a thing that didn’t happen. And then a thing that is happening.

So back in February, I got an email from a literary agent in London who liked my videos, and asked if I was interested in writing a book. As it so happens, I was interested! As much as I love video, there’s just something about making a real, tangible thing that seems really exciting.

A literary agent, if you don’t know (I didn’t!) helps you write a book pitch - and then sends it off to all the publishers to see if they are interested.

Together, we decided that the best idea for the book would be a history of game design, told through 100 different games. I’d look at everything from Space Invaders to Elite to Doom to Grand Theft Auto 3 to PUBG, seeing how each game brought new innovations to the space that would influence and inspire future game makers.

Unfortunately... no one wanted to publish the book. While the feedback praised my writing style, they didn't see a huge market for the book. And so, the book isn't happening.

To be honest, though, my disappointment was overshadowed by a sense of relief. As I wrote the sample chapters and synopsis, I started to become nervous about the deadline, the word count,  the need to make the book super accessible to a wide audience, and the impact the project might have on video output. At times, part of me even hoped that it wouldn’t happen.

But, still, I was disappointed. Not just because the book isn't happening, and not just because it feels like I've failed at something, but because I got quite excited about this idea of charting the history of game design through landmark games.

And so, I've decided that I'm going to take the idea and adapt it into a series of videos. It's called Design Icons, and an early sneak peek at the first episode is available above.

It still needs a proper ending and other tweaks, but any feedback would be appreciated. I don't know when I'm going to release this video for real, so don't expect it on your YouTube subs anytime soon. 

At this stage, I'm committing to a 20 episode first season, which will take us from 1978 to 2019-ish in 20 landmark games. If the response is good, there's nothing stopping me doing a second season, to fill in the gaps with more games. 

So - that’s (one of the many things) I’ve been up to. I’m definitely not ruling out book writing forever. Ultimately, I always wanted to do it in the far future, when I was getting a bit old for GMTK - I just thought I should jump on the opportunity when it was presented to me. And so I could definitely see myself doing a book in the long term. But right now, my love is still videos.

And I'm going to focus my time on what I do best. Thanks for reading. Chat soon. 



GMTK Patrons Only - Space Invaders | Design Icons



Don't give up! Regardless of the medium your content is exceptional


Maybe consider Kickstarting the book ?


I totally get your disappointment and relief at the book deal. I went for an interview to be an animation lecturer at the uni I studied at, and while I was excited at the prospect of being one of the only two picked as the "finalists", so to speak, and being able to pass on my knowledge to others seeking to learn, I was actually slightly relieved that I just missed out, saving me from lesson planning and the inevitable "fake syndrome" or whatever that's called, where I'm actually not as smart as I think I am. Is this like Inside Out where a new complex emotion is formed? Dis-relief-ment.


Have you heard of Unbound? I'm funding Virtual cities there, it could be a way.


I know a book on the history of game design would/will be great from you. You could kickstart it if you ever wanted to see what the passionate level of the market is, then get a publisher to go wider. But I'm sure there's a lot more to it than that. Anyway love everything you've been doing. Keep it up!


By the way, that chromatic abberation on the graphics is, like, really lovely.


That video was perfect. I am well up for this series! Also totally up for a book if you ever make it happen!


It's definitely your call Mark; but why not making a first season focusing on the first few decades and then going forward on that depending on the rhythm? You don't have any deadline to deliver a full Game Design history, it's your channel after all! And in X or Y years, we would have a complete, chronologically ordered video history. Which is definitely something I would kill for.


The reason I'm veering away from that is, I want to be able to talk about more modern games. If I did the originally planned 100 games, I'd be talking about GTA 3 in, like, 2028 or something :P This way I can get a nice start-to-finish history done, and then go back and bump it up over time


Cheers! It was a bit of a happy accident when I was messing with an effect, and decided to keep it. A bit like Nishikado's aliens!


Love this new series idea! This first one is fantastic. Would love a book on the topic too one day, but no rush :) Keep up the excellent work!


Having read a couple of other "history of games" books and found them of varying quality, I'm sorry to hear your take on it didn't work out as a book, because I'm sure it would have been awesome and a much needed addition to the literature. Very excited to see them in video form, though! I can definitely relate to the combination disappointment/relief of a project falling through.


I liked the video and will definitely watch the whole series. As for suggestions, maybe you could see if you can get some input from the games' creators; some audio clips or text quotes giving new insight to old games can really spice things up.

Reid Harry

I love the idea of this series. While I would have LOVED a book adaptation, the video format definitely has its own merits.


It's a shame that book isn't happening--I definitely would have looked forward to reading it. That said, the video series idea it inspired is no less exciting, and your Space Invaders video draft is super good. One thought I had watching it is that it might be interesting to see a deeper, more thorough investigation into which games influenced the subject game, and how. In that way, the video would bring the concept of games inspiring games full circle and further illustrate the chain of influence and the place of the link you are focusing on. Just a thought--keep up the great work!


Loving the idea of this series ! What about Kickstarter for a potential book of your own style ? Or an encyclopedia-like mini books collection ? Whatever your project, I'm in !


Sorry to hear about this! Publishers are missing a trick. I have a feeling there will be a turn in the industry soon. I felt your style and subject matter would translate really well into a book focused on themes and mysteries of game design (rather than a retrospective, per se). But I'm looking forward to these videos! I noticed some other comments mention Unbound and Konstantinos Dimopoulos's 'Virtual Cities'. Would be interested to know what you thought about that.

Edward Earl Newton

When you started to suggest the book might not be happening, I was already praying there'd be a video series. As nice as books are, they are (for me) a kind of solitary exploration of a subject, whispered silently by a person I never meet. One of the things I love about GMTK is that it's like a smart friend taking you along for an interesting ride. Two thoughts, if I may: It would be nice to get a better sense of just how each game pushed the medium forward, and perhaps a peek at the ripple effect that influence had on future games. It's interesting to know SI was one of the first games to record high scores, but as a viewer, I want to know how that connects to the present. (For example, did the presence of high scores introduce the idea of "replayability"? More than just being a toy, having high scores encouraged you come back and try again? It became a skill, not a time suck? Second - am I hearing right that the background music is from the Broken Age documentary? Are there any licensing issues there to be worried about?


Dude... just write it... it would be awesome.. and you can make a kickstarter campaign to "pre-sale" the books before printing it ( so you dont lose money )... GO FOR IT! We really need some books to study from.


I know there's only a few replies on this thread so far, but almost all of them would love a book it seems - Kickstarter/crowdfunding would definitely be something worth considering... 🙂🤞


Hey Mark ! Great job on that Space Invaders draft ! I thought it hit the perfect tone and approached the whole "A History of Video Games" thing (that's sort-of-overdone-in-book-form) in a refreshing and appealing way, even for a general audience. And as MUCH as I'd read anything with your name on it, and as STRONGLY as I was about to suggest you should crowdfund the *bleep* out of that book.... After watching that first episode I must say that being able to have visual, animated illustrations of what you talk about just feels essential. I probably wouldn't feel the same way on a printed page. So impatient to watch more of these ! Just a quick thought : Isn't your video on 1998 & stealth games a kind of iteration on that "Design Icons" concept ? Reading your post it came to my mind that you'd already made a sort of "prototype" with this one :) Have a good week !


Yeah, part of the idea behind this project was the fun I had researching that stealth episode! There will probably be a bit of overlap when I get to MGS, but that should hopefully be okay :)

Rich Stoehr

Disappointment and delight in the same moment! I would read the hell out of that book, if a publisher ever bites... But I'm loving the new series thus far! Space Invaders is the perfect way to kick it off, and oh good Gods, the memories... Star Fire! Gorf! All my faves. I love how you worked in all the games that came after that extrapolated on the theme. And the icons (get it?) for each game in the intro were a nice touch. Nice work, Mark!


I was gonna comment the same thing. I for one would donate.


Love this series idea; I look forward to seeing more! I feel like by the time you’ve done a lot of it you will have an audience of people who would love it in book form.


Sorry to hear that, but the new video series sounds great! Have you considered adapting your existing GMTK or Boss Keys vids into written form? Tim of "Hello Future Me " basically did that for his "On Writing and Worldbuilding" series and his book was just released a week or two ago!


Not much to say except that I enjoyed it a lot. I love the idea, hope it goes well, it looks basically showable already. I do hope, though I'd understand if it can't make it, that more niche branches of game history and game genres could get some spotlight too. I am sure I will enjoy it all regardless!


I like the idea that the video series could be a prototype of the book, allowing Mark to explore and test ideas and gain an audience for the topic as you said, Derek. I also like the idea of the video series taking advantage of its medium as video and the book exploring elements better received as a book to read. Honestly, I'm delighted that this will be a video series. I think it suits video better. I probably wouldn't read a book that traces video game history because it would need to bounce from game to game and topic to topic (while when a video series does that, it doesn't bother me at all for whatever reason). A video game book: I loved reading Masters of Doom because of the way the author was able to tell the story of Doom as a human enterprise, all the interesting characters of id, the drama, the impact of the game on society but also the impact of the characters on the game.


Not directly related to the video's quality but calling stuff like Fortnite dances "cringy" always rings some alarm bells for me because, hey, it's kids, let them have fun. This and the Pokémon Go part in general kind of gives me a vibe of "haha aren't kids today weird for their gaming trends" which doesn't really feel like the greatest take to me, especially because this isn't really the point of the video.


Love this idea! I've been wanting to find a set of videos or a book about this for some time. I agree with other comments about seeing more ancestry of the game in subject (both how it was influenced and how it influenced others). Love the new font and, as always, great editing.


The whole idea sounds really interesting! Already enjoyed the video and looking forward to more. Sorry to hear about the book not happening, but glad that we're getting the output from it in video form now!


Sir. Yes. This. Love it. Do it.

Dallon Feldner

Oh man, I am hyped for this series. The pitch is great, the production values on this video are really high, and I learned a lot of new things about Space Invaders in particular! A book would have been cool, but this is more than enough to make up for it! :)


I'm overhyped for this new project. I find a series of videos much more interesting than a book, because showing movement and gameplay is something precious to games. Also, your editing style is so freaking "feels good", and your voice so silky, it's almost a crime to toss it out in favor of just....text on paper. I'll take some notes after rewatching the video so I can contribute as much as I can with constructive criticism.


While a book would be fun, I think this plays to your strengths more. I absolutely love the idea and look forward to all the great videos!


It really sucks that the book idea didn't move forward (have you thought about doing a kickstarter for it?) but also, i really love the video format and i'm looking forward for the rest of the episodes and hopefully a second season \o/ Keep up the awesome work Mark o/


So hyped about this new series... great content as always :D As Flavio said you can count on kickstarter and your community to reach the target. Cheering for you!

Roto Midenhall

Sorry the plan for the book fell through Mark. I would have loved to read it. Have you considered crowdfunding for it? I mean if it didn't make the cut then that would be all she... he wrote? Either way I'm excited about this series. First episode was great! Keep it up :)


OK, I'm back again. Mark, I felt that a wrap-up by the end, with the innovations that Space Invaders was needed to sum-up it's importance with a text (you did only the voice over, some text topics would go nice to recap). As a video transformation from the book ideai, I think it would be nice to includes other kind of annotation that works as footnotes. Some extra links with more stuff to ready or watch about the game in the description wold also be very good. This series has a huge potential. It can be used as material for design classes. Looking forward with lots of interest.


Yes please, I love this series (to be)!


I'm wondering who your literary agent spoke to, because there are a few places that specialise in publishing books on video game design and development who might've been open to it. It's probably a bit too big for Boss Fight Books to have taken it on, but MIT Press have published far more out there video game books than the one you're pitching here: https://mitpress.mit.edu/topics/game-studies

Tommy Carver-Chaplin

This is a great series and the kinda thing your level of quality lends itself too. Very hyped.


This sounds great!


This is awesome!


Your analysis and presentation are still solid, and the included development decisions are great. The direct influence is also cool -- I didn't realize how much Space Invaders influenced Nintendo. (The longer-term influences might feel a little stretched.) Picking specific games, especially as historical icons, may be a little tricky. (Is this really one of the "most important" games? Why use game X and not game Y?) I'm not sure if there's a good solution, but it might help to keep things carefully framed? Extra Credits recently put out a "A History of Roguelike Deckbuilders" (https://youtu.be/Liq62RmZBaw), but their choice of games struck me as arbitrary and incomplete. There were some older paper CCGs, but not others (like Netrunner). There were also some more recent hybrid deckbuilders, but not others (like Hand of Fate). The video is interesting enough as a thin slice of card game history, but the title and start of the video suggest something more comprehensive.


To somewhat echo what others have said already, I like a good book and I think you would do a very good job writing one. However, I actually think the video format is much better for this project. Not least because it helps massively being able to see the games you're talking about. I'm excited at the prospect of your undertaking this project! It makes me happy to support you. On another note, having just (finally!) gotten around to playing and completing The Witness, some of the imagery in this video tripped me out! Those who've played will know what I'm referring to...

Mark M

Enjoyed the video, I feel like the aesthetic of your videos has just got so good over time. I like that you talked about how people reacted to the game at the time, the history of it, then properly showed games that had been influenced by it. Often I'll see people talk about influential games, but they won't go much beyond just listing mechanics and ideas. It's a shame about the book but as you say, it's not something you'd want to go into unless your whole heart was in it. I could see this series being popular. I'd like to see a few games that aren't just the frequently listed 'most influential games', but I'd be happy to watch those too.


It'd be very interesting to see how the book will turn out from the visual medium of video games. Sad to hear it won't happen (yet :) ). Watched the video and I never knew the extent of the influence that space invaders had on the industry. Would love to see more of this. Perhaps it'd be great if each video previews/hints what will be the topic of the next video which could help connect the games together in some way/shape/form.


This vid was super cool and would absolutely love to see more, Mark!


Would a Kickstarter help launch your book? I'm sure people will be super supportive!


Love it! I’m very excited to see your analysis and research further back in history than usual. Also, I can’t help but suspect that book publishing wouldn’t give you friendly economics, despite how cool it would be to have a book under your name, so I’m a bit relieved for you that we get the fruits of your labor this way instead.


you are kind of my teacher in game design,thank you so much