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So, I did this tweet recently. It's about a message in the manual for Elder Scrolls 2 about not reloading your save game when mishaps occur, and playing past your mistakes to see what stories occur.

And, it's a lovely sentiment - but if games really want to discourage save scumming then they need to design for that. And I though, hey, that would make for an interesting episode!

Which then reminded me of that scrapped GMTK episode about failure spectrums and dynamic goal shifting! Which was super relevant. So I took a bit of that script and made a whole new episode about playing past your mistakes.

Hope you like it!

I know I know it's showing the same games and genres I always do. Far Cry 2 and MGS V and Hitman and XCOM. So I'll try and give them a good holiday for the rest of the year. If you see me mention Clint Hocking or systemic game design again for the rest of 2018, slap my wrist.

Shouldn't be a problem as I have lots of GMTK stuff in the works. Still thinking about that non-combat video - need the perfect angle for that one. And got something on co-op / Overcooked, erm, cooking. And definitely want to touch on Spider-Man PS4's webslinging. And then episode three of designing for disability and the Symphony of the Night Boss Keys. 

Busy busy busy! Your support makes all this possible. So thank you.


Playing Past Your Mistakes | Game Maker's Toolkit


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