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It's a lovely day, I'm almost done preparing a talk I'm going to give in London tomorrow, and I thought I'd take a moment to show you how the GMTK office is coming along in my new place.

So this is the main area. I've got an adjustable standing desk from IKEA, with my iMac (where I edit all the videos), a microphone (for streaming, interviews, etc) a TV, and a PS4. Under the desk is my PC and a big tangle of cables.

I'm working on that: need to get some shorter replacements when I can be bothered.

The drawers next to the desk fit perfectly. And I almost didn't find them because they weren't on IKEA's storage section - they're supposed to be for a child's bedroom! I found them when looking through the showroom and thought they'd be perfect!

What's in the drawers? Dreams. Magic. Memories. Loads of stuff, basically: consoles, games, VR headsets, hard drives, cables. Everything I need to do my job.

I really like collecting handheld games.

And then down the other end of the office is a nice display of some of my favourite stuff. Zelda games, a Neo Geo Pocket Color, a copy of Sin and Punishment to remind me of my Tokyo trip, Game and Watches, my YouTube trophy. This bit will change over time, but it's a good start.

The drawers have old consoles in them. So if you want to play some SNES games you can just pull out the drawer to get the console and all the cables you need.

And I also have a posh chair to relax in with my iPad when I'm researching stuff for videos, or watching YouTube for the reading list, or playing handheld games.

And this is the bit I'm still working on. I'm turning this cupboard into an audio booth for recording. I've lined it with cardboard and I've got more acoustic panels than is healthy. Just got to get them glued on, and get my microphone in there.

I'm finishing up the script for the next episode so I better get a wriggle on!

Anyway. I'm very pleased with this space. It's really light and airy which is very conducive to productivity. And it's great to separate my work stuff from the rest of the house. Easier to get a good work life balance when you can literally shut the door on work stuff at the end of the day!

Thanks for helping me get this all set up. Here's to many videos made from the new office!




Looks awesome Mark!


Looks good! I bet it must feel like a dream come true, right now! You've worked hard and you deserve it, man.


That Wii-U zombie-U edition is indeed a grim reminder of what can happen in this industry :)


Congrats on getting it all setup Mark! It looks rad.


Handled are the best, congrats! If I may ask, for which event do you give a talk? :)


Hey Mark, congrats on the new office! It looks really nice with all that light and white furniture :) I am curious on one thing tho, do you have any consoles in the "life" part of the house or games have become just "work"? :)


Highly recommend this for cable management: <a href="https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/products/small-storage-organisers/cable-management-accessories/signum-cable-trunking-horizontal-silver-colour-art-30200253/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/products/small-storage-organisers/cable-management-accessories/signum-cable-trunking-horizontal-silver-colour-art-30200253/</a>

Rich Stoehr

What a great space! I love all the drawers full of hidden treasures. The collector in me totally wants to go through them and see what you've kept.


What a collection sir.

OSW Review

More appreciation is needed for the perfect fit of all your furniture and games! Is that an Eames or something else?