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Hi everyone! Just wanted to drop a quick note to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. Hope you have a fabulous time. 

I’m taking some much needed time off at the moment, but making the most of it by playing / finishing lots of games from my backlog including Dark Souls, Thimbleweed Park, MGS 3, and Yakuza 2. Plus, a little research and planning for next year’s videos because I just can’t help myself. 

This has been an incredible year for me, and I have to thank every last one of you for making it happen. I just hit 3,000 Patrons which is bonkers. Thanks for joining in.

See you in January for new episodes of GMTK! (Oh, and the reading list and playlist rewards will arrive in the next few days).




Thanks, Mark! Merry Christmas. Enjoy your break!


Thank you, too! I’m looking forward to what you come up with in 2018. Have a great break. :)


Merry Christmas to everyone! Enjoy the break!

Rich Stoehr

Merry Christmas, Mark! Can't wait to see what you've in store for us next year. In the meantime, relax and (borrowing from Wil Wheaton), play more games!


Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight! God bless! Now who wants to get drunk on soda pop?