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Hello everyone! 

Sorry for the delay on GameClub. But let’s jump back into it.

This time, the theme is ambitious and interesting indie games - that just didn’t make it into the mainstream conversation. Maybe they were flawed. Or weird. Or boring. Or just bad. Let’s find out.

As always, please pick the game you want to play and talk about in the poll. The winner will be selected tomorrow and I’ll open up a channel in the Discord for us to talk about it.

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Okay, here are your options...


Dex is a cyberpunk action game, “designed as a tribute to the classic RPGs from the ‘90s, updated for a modern audience”. There are hints of Deus Ex and Shadowrun, with lots of character progression and multiple ways to achieve your goals. Here's a trailer.

The game’s on PC, Mac, Linux, PS4, PS Vita, and Xbox One. It’s even on Ouya!

Rain World

Rain World is a mysterious Metroidvania, where you need to figure out what everything does and what to do, while simultaneously fighting for your life and hiding from the rain. It’s rough, but those who really got into it say its fantastic. Take a look.

This one’s on PS4 and PC.

Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor

A knowingly dull game, about picking up trash in an alien bazaar. Embrace routine! Succumb to menial drudgery. Or maybe… head off and explore. Here's what it looks like in action.

The game's available on PC and Mac.

Okay! I'll be back tomorrow with the results. Oh, and *pssst*, a special bonus video a bit later today.



Rainworld is amazing, but I would highly suggest consulting a guide when playing it. I played for 30 hours without a guide and saw and understood very little of the game.


I'd only heard of spaceport janitor out of these but Dex looks most interesting to me. Hopefully I'll have time to play before the discussion.


I actually own Dex on Steam but haven't gotten around to playing it. So I'm voting for it to give me an excuse to finally play it.


I played a bit of Rain World and Dex. Dex is a nice little cyberpunk rpg, kind of like Deus Ex without the immersive sim stuff. Though there are various ways to solve puzzles in this game like Deus Ex. Rain World plays like a survival open world of Dark Souls, just the hunger bar is your progression bar. Like Markus points out, it's hard as balls without a guide. Some enemies you won't see coming and it tends to be a trial and error experience.


Rain World is really incredible once you get past the harsh difficulty wall at the beginning. It's worth looking up some of the basic systems, because the game is pretty bad at teaching them to you -- but after that, there's a whole lot to love.


I absolutely love Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor! That game deserves more love.


BTW Just heard this Rainworld is getting a multiplayer as well as an easy mode with its next update.

Rich Stoehr

Uh oh - Looks like I just made Rain World a tie!


I wanna ask people to reconsider Dex as it has just gone on a 75% off sale on steam. Which makes it way more accessible than the other games.


Also, it's available on a far larger number of platforms than the rest.


I tried playing Dex a few weeks ago. I believe I got it from GOG for free. I really didn't like it, though. I stopped playing shortly after I got the "hacking" ability, because that's just not a fun mechanic at all.