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Hey everyone

So, if you didn't know - Game Maker's Toolkit has a Discord server, which is available exclusively for Patrons. You can access it here.

However, I'd love for you to connect your Discord and your Patreon accounts together. This way, the server will know you're a legit backer! This is useful for security, and will be handy down the line...

(For example, if we wanted to set up a public room down the line, we won't let them moochin' freeloaders see and read our private Patreon conversations!)

How to do it!

Anyway, to do this, first click on your picture in the top right of a Patreon window and choose "Account Settings"

Pick "Account" from the menu on the left.

Find the "Connections" area, find Discord, and hit that big ol' blue "Connect" button.

You'll get one of these pop-up windows where you can either log in to Discord. Or, if you're already logged in, just hit Authorize!

And you're done.

Any questions about anything Discord, chuck 'em down below.





Awesome, Ive been wondering how to do this 😁


Done ;)


I've done the linking thing but I can't add the discord server to my lot :( Tried the welcome email as well as the linking. Maybe it takes some time. I'll leave till tomorrow and see where we are :)


Just to update to say I got it sorted the next day. Cheers :)


My DIscord and Patreon accounts are linked but my name in the Discord server isn't orange, is that a problem?


It might take a moment. It’s not a problem right now but we’ll figure out any issues before it becomes a problem