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Hey! Last week I made a special Behind the Scenes article about the Skyward Sword Boss Keys episode, and gave it to $5 Patrons for a bit. That article is now available to all, right here.

While I'm here, I'll let you know that the next GMTK episode is well under way and should just about squeeze into a May release! Want to get it out before E3 mania, at the very least.

It's a chunky episode, and I'm planning to do a bonus episode to go with it as well - but not sure when that will be exactly.

Whatever the case, all Patreon rewards coming before the month is out, as usual! Thanks :D



Liam Harvey

Ta Mark! Hope the new video is going well, wonder what it's about?! Oooh, much excite. Oh and if I haven't said it before, what you're doing with GMTK and this Patreon is super rad for a bunch of reasons. Personally though, it's inspired me to keep learning cool new stuff. Just pressed the publish button on a new video and feeling pretty 😎 (my games criticism video ambitions somehow got morphed into my wife being on-camera, not me. And talking about autism, not games. Oh well! <a href="http://bit.ly/2qpuMEo)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2qpuMEo)</a>

OSW Review

Wow, wasn't expecting a GMTK this month! Mammoth job with Boss Keys, it's why i signed up for your Patreon!