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Hey Patrons

Just wanted to check in and let you know what I'm up to.

So, as I stated before I'm taking a little time away from Mind Over Magnet to rest, recover, and make sure I'm okay to get the game done. Things are really coming along now - I just got my first piece of music from my composer! And I'm excited to get back in there and finish the game.

But right now I'm working on a different project. It's a video called 100 Games Every Designer Should Play. And, as the name might suggest, its a list of 100 games that I think have something interesting to say about design.

Perhaps they contributed a new mechanic to the world of design, perhaps they're a great example of some specific concept, or they're an important stepping stone in the world of game making.

I definitely want this list to be for people who have an interest in design, but haven't played a great deal of games and want to know where to begin.

It was tough to create the perfect list. I wanted it to be "complete" and "definitive" but, at the end of the day, it's simply impossible to make a list that covers everything and would make everyone happy. So I decided to just forget that and make it, unapologetically, my list. So it's full of games I've talked about on GMTK - plus a few others I haven't gotten around to.

So right now I'm writing the entries for each game. I've done about 60 of them, and so I'm getting closer to the finish line. Then I'll need to edit it all together. It's a big project - the final video will be around two hours! But it should be a nice way to celebrate this being the 10th year of GMTK.

That's not all I've been up to. I just came back from Galway, Ireland where I gave the keynote speech at a gaming summit. And then I'm off to Copenhagen at the end of this week to give the keynote speech at the Nordic Game Jam. I've also got two big consulting projects in the background, which is excited.

So, I better get back to it! Thanks for your support and I'll see you soon.



Dominik Bartsch

2 hours of gmtk?! Yes!! I want to watch it at my cinema on a Saturday evening with popcorn!!

Josh Foreman

your list. Ok, but if it doesn't have ICO on it I'm cancelling. (jk) (sort of)