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Model by Lynya

Big thanks to Magraal, Axeption and DirkDig from my Discord server for help finding butt pics!


Glad I got this done before July! One of the reasons I wanted do something short was I wanted to release at least one more animation before the big move. I am a bit nervous about it so I appreciate all the well wishes in the last post! They really do make me feel better.

Anyway, as usual hope you guys enjoy! I'll be back as soon as possible!


Removed the ambient sound because after subsequent viewings, I found it annoying.




Redmoa the G.O.A.T


I'm always in awe of your work. Amazing job. Thanks for sharing, and good luck with the move!

Mr. Z

Great video, and hope to see you soon! :)

Nick Jones

You are the best!


Outstanding! Best wishes on your move may it be as smooth as possible!!


Nice stuff! Would love to see a buttjob vid featuring Camille Toh from Sausage Party. She's got those milfy juicy cheeks that's perfect for one.


Great job! Again, good luck with the move. See you when you get back!


Even here I cannot escape the grid with cammy

Prince Vegeta

Lol the grind is real loved it

Mr. Z

lmao I just noticed...did she KICK his pants off?! Damn that girl has skillz lol. Wonder what else she can do with those laser-precision legs... 🤤🤔


There were 2 things I wanted to animate in this one, a kick and a buttjob. That was the best I could come up with lol


cant help but notice the end of the graph


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Unexpected quick time event! Pausing the video to read and judge the butts on the chart.


To bad I didn't get a chance to hear the version with the ambient sounds. I was in a NSFP (Not Safe For Porn) environment at the time of release.

The Scribe

Loved Cammy's definitive belief in her cheeks, and I hope the move goes well for ya. However, I also hope we get to see Chun Li appear in the future to give a solid re-butt-al.


I think you’re one of the few animators that’ve actually figured out fluid; the cumshot actually looks realistic, but it also fits the animation. Can’t wait to see what you have for the future

Nick Jones

Excellent work! Moar Cammy!


I'm only 4 days behind (I was out of town) and the file is already unavailable?! MEGA says it doesn't exist. What's up with that?


Just tried it and it's working fine for me. Note I changed the link recently so try again. If it still doesn't work let me know.


Next do Chun Li! or Ty Lee! or both??



Masked Smith

Hello, is there a different link for this specific video? The current MEGA link doesn't seem to be working.