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As someone that is a fan of SPH, majority of what of the content I used to enjoy were simple captions over images of pretty ladies. I would always be surprised how much I enjoyed these simple lines of text and whenever I attempted to make my own I would be always fall short and not seem to be impressed with my own writing. Hence this contest to hopefully bring out the inner writers in some of you.

How the contest will work:

If you want to participate, comment to this post what you want Tracer to say. Simple as that. And just to show that I'm not being lazy and making you guys do my work for me I will also participate.

Want to participate but don't want to write? That's fine too. Simply come back to this post every now and then and scroll down to entries. If you see an entry you like, heart it!

Contest Rules:

-Maximum 3 sentences

-Must be in-character with Tracer

-Must be SPH

-No cum will be involved

-One entry per user

-Comment with the most hearts wins

-Multiple likes from the same user will not count so only like one entry!

-Tie will result in a poll

Contest will close in Feb. 4



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