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While animating the Lisa short my useless UPS decides to turn off crashing my entire computer. Thinking this is no big deal since I save A LOT , I turn my computer back up hoping to get back to animating. Lo and behold this message shows up,  a message I've never even seen before. Panic sets in as I scramble to my sessions folder HOPING that SFM autosaved my project and to my dismay it did not. 

It hurts me to make this post because it seems like I'm making excuses but it looks like I'll have to animate it from scratch. Luckily, it was only 2-3 days worth animating and not like 90% done. Really sorry guys but this might take a little while longer.

Reminder to double backup your stuff and get a better UPS.




That must be really frustrating, sorry to hear it. :/ No worries here about the wait.


Sorry to hear. Will be waiting for you to finish.


Ouch! That's damn rough dude, I'm sorry. I know what you're going through, I once had a subtitling project corrupt when I was hours into it. Since then I use 2 hard drives to back up all my work. Take a small break if you need the extra motivation to get back into it.


have a beer my dude!

Steve Osborne

Aw man, I know that must have hurt. Don’t sweat the delay, these things happen. Glad it didn’t fry your whole hard drive, graphics card, or power supply. Thankfully it didn’t end up costing you any money, just some time killed.


Yup that was one thing I was worried about but glad nothing else in my PC seemed to have been affected.