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Hello, kittens! 💖 I'm rushing you with my new original character. Actually, presentation, not my strong suit.

One thing to start with is that the OC characters were invented by me in co-authorship of a particular story. It's a story about a universe where there are people who travel to a parallel world instead of sleeping. Not very original, yes, and I don't want to fill your heads with that because it's not essential

However, it will explain why my girls are both in normal clothes and in somewhat strange clothes :)

I also draw these characters as illustrations for the book. Only completely chaste versions are suitable as illustrations, so I can post either versions that won't go to print, or NSFW versions that I draw specifically for you. That's why today's girl in the second drawing is wearing such weird clothes. In the illustration she's still in shorts and a tank top, but I undressed her especially for you :)

I hope you are not confused 😏

So, Tuyana. She is twenty-three years old, comes from a well-to-do family, and has never been in need of money. However, besides her, there are two older brothers in the family - Tuyana's father really wanted a little girl. But when she was born, it turned out that he didn't want her anymore. However, her mother had already grown tired of raising two sons, so Tuyana grew up on her own.

Trying to earn her parents' love, the girl tried to do well in school and fought for her grades - in short, she turned into a typical excellent student. Well, this made her parents praise their daughter, but they did not love her more. When Tuyana turned from a child into a teenager, her mother noticed that the girl was growing up to be a beauty and decided to make a model out of her. For the sake of her mother's love, Tuyana transformed herself from a nerd to a supermodel-why not?

At the same time, she hates the fashion world and everything that surrounds it. To be honest, it's easier to find things that Tuyana does NOT hate, and she's understandable - the world isn't perfect.

On the surface, Tuyana is a very private person. Some might think that she is as cold as Siberian ice, and even arrogant. Her nose is always turned up, and at 190 centimeters tall (excuse me, I can't translate into feet) she looks up at people around her.

In reality, though, Tuyana is deep down a very tender and vulnerable girl who lacks the warmth of family. She is as reliable as a rock, terribly pedantic, and has absolutely no perception of subtle humor. You will get tired of the way she endlessly corrects your speech.

As a child, seeking to earn her mother's approval, she did her own homework and cleaning. Getting everything in order was her trademark. And now, as an adult, she has grown out of her childhood room, and is trying to put the whole messy world in order.

There is another interesting fact. Actually, Tuyana usually calls herself a Russian.  She has an Asian appearance, and there's a reason for that: Tuyana was born in Siberia, in the Republic of Buryatia. Buryats are quite an Asian people, related to Mongols, hence Tuya's somewhat exotic appearance.

But the Buryats, however, are an integral part of Russia, and they justifiably consider themselves to be Russians 😀

Well, I hope I didn't bore you with such a long text. Especially since I know that my English is not perfect XD I will thank you for wading through the maze of my mistakes. Thank you!

I will definitely get back to Tuyana, I have at least one more watercolor with her. I plan to post it tomorrow (if I can, since I've gotten some frustrating bugs from Patreon in the last couple of days. That's normal for the end of the month).

In short, Tuyana's story isn't over yet, we'll get back to it for sure.

I hope you like this girl and want to see more of her :)

With love and gratitude for your support, Tiana Lynx 💖




That’s a pretty coat


Tuyana is very interesting and hot character. So 190 cm equals to 6.2 ft. You can’t be serious, she’s very tall. That’s like a giant to us East Asians. Interesting introduction of the Buryat people. To us Chinese, they look ‘Northerner’. They do look like Mongolians. I check the map, Buryatia borders north of Mongolia. I don’t know how to say this properly, ‘Mongol’ face look far more ‘distinct’ from other East Asians, I can’t recall I seeing any Asians with a ‘Mongol’ appearance. Their faces are ‘exotic’ even to us Chinese and East Asians. You even got their face just about right: the eyes, the cheeks.


I'm itching to draw a whole closet for each character, but I'm hanging in there)


It's very common to see tall guys and girls among Buryats in recent generations.) It's interesting to learn that they look exotic to Asians! This is a very entertaining detail In general, Buryats, in principle, are Mongols, just with a different culture :) I'm glad it worked out for me