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Hi, kittens! Yes, I would have fallen into a stupor when I saw that name and the MLB marking. Jessica? Who? I totally forgot her name right after watching the New York episode :) But I liked the character herself!

It's a bright girl, with a very unconventional beauty. And, although she has almost no native stereotypes about the Native American people, you basically understand that you are their representative!

It's easy to read the complex character in her. There's enough toughness and feminine softness. Wow! Yes, this is definitely a character that the show was missing. Oh, she won't be appearing on screen in the next few years? Yep, why am I surprised :) On the other hand, I won't miss her transgender kin, ahem 🤣

In short: Jessica is cool! She's got character.  She can be sexy. She HAS to be drawn! This is, you might say, my trial drawing of Jessica. In general, all of the characters in this series of drawings are pretty mature, so Jessica looks a little older. In the future, I'll work on more of her image.

In the meantime, I'd love to hear what you think of this character, kittens ;)

See you soon!

With love and gratitude for your support, Tiana Lynx




Jess? I’m surprised to see her. She is so underrated; not enough attention. I like Jessica/Eagle, her personality and looks. Admittedly, the fact that she’s Native American, the ‘Original American’ and I feel she kind of represent us Americans in a different way. The few things right now makes me feel proud to be an American. She is much like my OC when I first started. Gary wasn’t always a Miraculous hero, his hero was a cowboy-theme, Gray Gunner. And like Jessica hiding that she’s a girl. Gary fully covered his face to hide from people he’s Asian. Gary is kind of self-conscious around people. I always imagine Jess as a best friend to Gary/Blackwing, even like siblings; like brothers even though she’s a girl. Sometimes view Jess as the older sister. I have this funny idea some people even mistaken them to be siblings; given their black hair and stuff. Plus, they are both have bird-theme Miraculous heroes. Gary: Raven Jess: Eagle In fact, I’ve made arts of Gary, Jess, and Aeon together years ago. This is a dumb name and yet I can’t get rid of it, besides, it’s still a WIP: “Birds of a Feather.” from the phrase: “Birds of a feather, flock together” meaning people who have in common come together. I feel bad using her Eagle Miraculous from my villain, and you won’t believe who he looks like. I see her arm tattoo is a nice touch.


Pretty bird