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Hey guys!! I hope you’re all fantastic! I am honestly praying that this posts because we’re on our way back to England in the middle of the ocean 🫠

so we have been to Norway and I am so soooo sad it’s over!😭 it was so beautiful. We met a few Americans too who we befriended but other than that, the ship is RAMMED with British tourists!🤣

the photos I took show some of the amazing scenery and me and Seb within the mountains! It was incredible to compare the ship with the surroundings! The houses were so cute like Lego heheh! I don’t usually buy things from trips but I spotted a local business that sold resin and flower products and you know I just had to get something 🥰🥰 I bought a jewellery dish made from resin with pressed wild flowers from the local landscape ❤️❤️

we also got notified that there is no hot water on the ship rn due to technical difficulties so I guess there’s no spa trip today 🫡

when I go home - it’s back to work! Hopefully I’ll wrap up owed this weekend and this week as I’ll be starting my full time job on Monday as an Architectural Assistant 😱😱😱😱

anyway - main thing I wanted to say (sorry for the waffle and fluff) the billing has been paused for october so enjoy another free month Of membership! I can’t wait for Halloween and autumn themed things. !❤️❤️❤️

love Emily 




Wow! Look at those views!! That is just stunning!! Also you really captured that cruise ship in the small little lake from your piece in late August! 💕


Thank you hahah!! I know it looks like a lake lol it was meant to look like that port in the photos! Thank you so much!❤️❤️❤️❤️