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Hello everybody I hope that you are well!

After much thought, I have decided to pause billing on Patreon for the foreseeable future. I still have quite a few things to catch up on and I am very conscious about overworking myself with art.

You see, because I do architecture I have to spend a lot of time drawing buildings and designs, sometimes it makes me so burnt out that I cannot produce any artwork for my account!I wouldn’t want to disappoint anybody if this happened and risk things being delayed.

So my plan is to still post comic pages when I have made some, I also want to do a F2U patreon exclusive Halloween base and a Christmas base. I would like to start looking at Patreon as a place that I can document my artwork like a journal and post absolutely everything I do! Because if you have been here for awhile, there’s lots of things that I don’t post to Instagram.

I want to move away from looking at patreon as a money thing for now so I can focus on other things, maybe I will resume billing over summer months when I have nothing going on! I just don’t think it’s very good for me to set deadlines for myself when I have other things that I need to prioritise and other things pop up spontaneously!

But I would like you to know that I really appreciate you sticking around and being super patient with me.Something I get very anxious about is letting people down and disappointing people. I have seen some other friends and creators use patreon as an art journal and it works really well for them!

Please note that if you are new and want to join or rejoin you will get charged for joining but you will not be charged again until I unpause billing!! This is due to how I set up my patreon in the first place.

PS - you are still entitled to your commission discounts if you want to commission. It just depends on which tier you join.

That is all for now, I’m sorry if this disappoints anybody who enjoy getting rewards but I saw that a friend of mine did some random gifts every now and then so maybe I will do something like that in the future!!!

  • Emily


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