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Hey everyone!! I hope that you are all having a great Weekend.

I am working hard on owed this week! I worked on these sketches today and now I am going to work on some YCHS!

Id like to say thank you again for sticking around whilst I have been a bit slow over the past few days. It means a LOT! And I am sorry again for the delays with some art.

If you are waiting on something from me feel free to ask at any time for an update! It doesnt bother me at all!



Hazel (Bren)

Hey Em! It's so nice to see your art again 🥺❤️ I'm rooting for you!!


Thank you so much Bren!! That means a TON! <333 These were surprisingly super fun to work on hehe!! I have more stuff coming soon and a plan for getting stuff done !!! You’re the best!

Hazel (Bren)

AWW, I can't wait to see it!! You got this <33