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Hello everyone! thanks to those of you who have sent me your refs for rewards this month. I am still working on them.

This isn't what my announcement is about though, I have been doing some thinking lately and weighing out options. I have decided that next month (or, next year more like aha!) I am going to do a weekly rotation of rewards. This means that one reward will be drawn each week instead of receiving a reward every month.

There are a few reasons why I am doing this instead of a monthly reward. I hope you can all understand and its something to consider if you want to continue pledging! I thought id mention it now before next month.

1. I have accidentally given away free rewards - yea... some individuals have joined, only have payment never go through and the reward completed... please don't do this. building onto this point, some people joined for the reward and the moment it was received, said patron left.

2. I didn't expect my patron to get as big as it is today - not a bad thing at all, thank you guys so much!!

3. University workload will intensify in the new year- after speaking with some people, a few believe the amount of work I am doing is pushing myself too far and I am personally struggling to keep on top of the rewards every week. I am only a part time free-lance artist.

4. Better management - sometimes I find it tough to keep track of the reward dms every month and it gets very messy 

so next month,  I will have a reward rotation where your username is noted after Patreon informs me who is on which tier! if you don't get a reward next month, you'll get it in February! the only tier where a reward is guaranteed every month is golden plebby tier.

thank you guys for understanding! 



I completely understand and respect that! I'm so glad you're taking control of your boundaries and giving yourself some space to work on uni and personal life stuff - Just remember that self care and personal time are just as important! ♡ Anywho - Those that joined this month(I just did), would we get a reward this month or na? I definitely won't cancel unless finances changed dramatically, but I want to make sure I don't send a ref now to potentially get lost in DMs. I'd rather send when you're ready! ♡


JK! I joined the tier underneath Plebby. So disregard my question haha apparently I read the wrong tier when joining haha. I'll upgrade someday!


same as last reward ^^