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here is the symmetrical headshot template that I will be using for my rewards this month. I know it’s not much but, it’s all I can offer. It’s been really hectic build up to Christmas. I can’t wait to just get home and relax.

I am even considering pausing rewards next month and then resuming them in February. But I’m not sure about that yet.

as for a little Covid update, I am still stuck in my room and I am absolutely bored out of my mind. Luckily my fever has gone but I cannot stop coughing and my nose feels really funny. I miss my family so much and I genuinely feel like a prisoner in my room. There’s no one around me apart from a few housemates who have also tested positive but I cannot see them because we have a few people left who tested negative.

 if you are a plebby tier + patron. You can either dm me your ref for this month or comment below if you want to use the same oc! Ill also contact those who don’t send me a ref or comment ❤️




Yeah you should definitely take some time to relax in the new year to breath your art is always worth waiting for until you've got more free time and can enjoy doing to more 🦊🦊