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You thought it would be a wise idea to be smothered by an amazon goth. Sadly for you, not the wisest decision. 

She pinned you under her, even at the time, moist tits instantly without much warning. They were very warm and damp and, clearly from the smell of her tits, had been pressed together for a while. Your face was pressed so deep between them, all you could relate it to was having a huge fat ass on your face, but it was even softer and managed to wrap around your head completely and press to the ground. The flesh of her tits sank into your nose and mouth, nearly suffocating you. Every time you drew breath your mouth started to fill with sweat. So much sweat in fact, that it only took around 10 seconds or so to fully fill your mouth up if you didn't swallow. 

It felt like you were under there for hours. Which you weren't, but would be. You had only been under there about 20 minutes, and your stomach was bulging, and from all the sweat you had drank, it started to hurt, and you started to struggle. Sadly, Pandora was having none of that, so she just grabbed your struggling legs, and said something along the lines of "you made your bed, now sleep in it". You were unsure, as you were not only engulfed by smelly tits now but basically drowning in her sweat.

All you could do was scream for help, but sadly no one would come, not even Pandora could hear you. All she was focussing on was reading her book, with the nice sea breeze pressing against her luscious soft body. To most would be a blessing to touch, but for you, it was your musky, sweaty tomb.


Thank you for the support and patience this week, as you know its been real tough for me, so I hope this pieces make up for the lateness. 

Kind regards,

Oki xoxo




Hurray for breast smothering!!!, its definitely the less popular one but hoping for more like these!