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All you could do is run. There was no way you could stop the brute force that was on the hunt for you. No matter where you ran, or where you hid, you could always feel a monstrous presence watching you.

Though you never saw it, you thought it would be best to get to higher ground. That way, at least this presence you felt wouldn't have as many places to hide, at least that was the logic you went with. Pursuing whatever logic you could fathom to help calm your nerves, or at the very least, help to contemplate your situation. A more even playing field is what you saw on the rooftops. Sadly for you, that would be your biggest mistake.

You managed to clamber to the roofs of the buildings you were near, it was difficult. As you had to climb over tiled roofs, there were no easy ways to get on top of them. 

You had traveled to Japan for a trip to finally look around at the culture. The temples, mountains, and villages were more your speed. You didn't like the hustle and bustle of popular tourist locations like Tokyo. This was unfortunate, as you would have been far safer surrounded by people. Sadly where you were was too quiet. As you looked around from the top of the roofs in this far-out village in the forest. you heard a massive *THUD* above you on the roof above. 

"Well, well, well, aren't you a little smarter than you look," said the presence above. 

You peered up, seeing a black silhouette in front of the moon. Casting an enormous shadow, you saw what only could be a giant woman. She had to be over 10ft tall you thought. You cast a loud shout "what do you want?".

The woman said simply and calmly, "You, of course. But I'm in no mood for more running".

Within an instant, you were pegged in the shoulder by a large, pink, dart, and by the time you turned to run, you had already shrunken down to less than a hand in size. 

The woman walked over to you, as you ran to the edge of the roof, looking down to now what looked like to be a skyscraper-sized drop. One you could have simply jumped off of at normal size, be it maybe getting a sprained foot at worst. The woman was standing above you.

"I mean you can try to jump, it might be better than staying up here" 

As you contemplated for an instant, you thought to jump, and maybe land on a near brush, it would be close but you thought you could do it, and you build up the courage to jump yo.... *SLAM*

You slammed to the tiled roof, being pinned, by an enormous weight, you were under the woman's massive, round behind.

"You should count yourself lucky, or unlucky" The woman sighed.

"The dart only makes you shrink, your actual density is still of that of your normal-sized self, else you would have been crushed in an instant."

Though you couldn't see it, she smirked and whispered, "Although I can have some fun with you at this size for a little while"

She started to twist and turn, grinding you between the tile and her skin. She was so heavy you couldn't fathom anything to relate it to. You could feel your body clicking and cracking. Even though you had your normal body density, her size would still crush you, given enough time. She was just that much bigger, and heavier than you.

You struggled to breathe, or even think to yourself, why... why was this happening to me... am I really gonna die here?...

You felt a rancid and hot gust of fumes hit your body, and blast through your nostrils and mouth. You could taste the vile stench like it was mulched food being stuffed down your throat. She farted on you with such force, it cracked the tile you were laying on top of.

"It's time to finish this, seya small fry," She said with a grin on her face.

 "No one will miss you. Just understand this was nothing personal, just my job".

And before your broken body, and clogged-up senses could even contemplate what she said. It was all over.


Nothing more was left of you, just, but a smear, on Kira's, round juicy ass. As she looked up at the moonlit sky she pondered...

"Man I love my job, I think this fart is one of my new favorite toys"



Phantom Reaver 225

This was great! Absolutely loved it! Kira is so ruthless lol.