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You challenged Oki to a Pokémon battle, you see him as a pushover to your over levelled Ampharos. He will be a piece of cake you thought...

Sadly you were wrong....

Unlucky you, for he was wielding a very strange and rare Pokémon. Walking off to the side you see a behemoth of a Gardevoir... in strange colours no less... You have never seen one so imposing or different to others of her kind. She was big... huge in fact. Clearly an Alpha... but not only that, as you would find out, far different from the moves normal ones typically use.

You call to your Ampharos to charge up, stockpiling its lightning. The Gardevoir, unamused, stomps in front of Oki, looming in the distance. He's no longer visible with this towering Pokémon in front of him. She watches, staring unamusingly at your Ampharos. You call for it to charge again, and again, but the Gardevoir just keeps staring....waiting... You call out loud "AMPHAROS USE THUNDER!"

Your Ampharos calls forward a massive storm, covering the roof with grey clouds and then, in an instant, lighting surged down onto the Gardevoir, and a massive cloud of dust, and what can only appear to be smoke, linger around the field...

You wait, cockily calling out to Oki "Is that the best you have... an idle Pokémon who doesn't know when to move? haha!"

Oki smirked. "Move you say?"

There was a short silence while you contemplated what he meant, but he then answered for you. "Why would Rozu need to move at such a pathetic attack..."

The smoke and dust cleared... and from the mists you saw the towering, now called Rozu, Gardevoir standing inches from your Ampharos. It became very clear at this time the vast difference in size of your Pokémon, even though yours was also a 3rd evolution, it could only be compared to a toddler, standing up to their parent.

Oki ushered 2 words. "Close Combat".

Rozu staring at the Ampharos, turned her head and spat at the ground. Her eyes flared and started glowing pink and, in but an instant, a barrage of punches pelted your Ampharos, and by the sounds you could hear they were heavy, hard and hit deep to the flesh. All it took was a few punches for your Ampharos to be knocked unconscious, but before it could fall to the ground. Rozu, amusingly picked it up, seemly as light as a big of groceries, spun it round but its tail, then slammed it head first into the ground. It fainted long before the spin, and slam in fact, but Rozu wanted the amusement.

She wasn't done yet, though, you see... Rozu was a Delta species of Pokémon and to those that are aware of this type, it should ring true why she knows the move she does. She is a Fairy and Fighting type and oh boy does she like to fight. You thought the battle was over, but Rozu heard what you said after she was struck by lighting, and she wasnt impressed.

As you ran to your Ampharos, Rozu stepped in front of it and in front of you. With her back turned to you. You call out to her to get out the way, but she doesn't move, in fact, she decided your mouth is too loud and obnoxious. So she does what she wanted, she used slam.

On your face in fact. Your head hits the ground, hard, and all you see is dark grey. Your face seeming wedged between her ass cheeks. But she isn't don't yet. Rozu didn't like your toxic behaviour so she decides to press your nose, and mouth, into her asshole. Completely engulfed with nothing but a weird lingering smell that you find somewhat unpleasant. Suddenly a massive wave of hot air fills your nose and mouth, pressing your cheeks open wide. All you can do is swallow. Gulp, after gulp, after gulp. Your belly inflates full of this rancid smell. your stomach in pain at how inflated and deformed it has become, and you feel like you want to vomit, but you cant. Every time you try to press out and blow, your mouth is filled with more gas. You are close to death honestly. And its only thanks to Oki shouting at his degenerate Rozu, that you live.

She gets up, your head still in her asshole, and you eventually fall out of it as she walks away.

The last thing you hear, is the muffled sound of Oki, shouting Arceus knows what, at his Rozu.

And your belly slowly deflates and your mouth excretes nothing but pink and purple stink, as you slowly pass out, as you regret the words you said to Oki, and more so, his Gardevoir Rozu.



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