Nasty Idea/ Requests : October - Updated (Patreon)
Hello, here you are welcome to post ideas/ requests for nasty fetish pics drawn this month, fart/scat related, I will try to do 2/3 a week.
I accept only one request per person, so if you post multiple ideas, I will choose only one for this month.
You can post multiple ideas but understand I will only choose 1 if picked.
You can include ideas with existing characters, for example from anime, games etc... or any of my ocs, I will not draw your ocs.
If I don't draw your idea this month, your chances next month will increase. I try to disperse the ideas from multiple people as much as I can.
If the idea contains too many characters, chances are I am less likely to do it.
Like other people's comments if you also like their ideas
Requests from people I've already completed this month that cant get another (for me to remember) :
ZupaZap, FastThunderz, GoatOfBlaze, Cuddles, YlytyemLurker, doomguy1710, JasmineTheGoat