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Hello everyone.

As you know, I've made a new Tier for Live2D works ($12). But due to Patreon System, new Tier won't be able auto get mark in old posts, which makes $12 Patrons doesn't able to access $10 and lower-tier posts.

It is hard to mark all old posts to help $12 tier able to see, so I have marked all available package rewards for $12 Patrons, which you can easily find in Featured Tags and download them. 

 https://www.patreon.com/osiimi?filters[tag]=%245%2B%20reward  [ $5+ Rewards ]

 https://www.patreon.com/osiimi?filters[tag]=%2410%2B%20reward [ $10+ Rewards ]

I'm very sorry for this inconvenience. All posts from now on will work normally for the tier you choose. 

FEBRUARY packages will also available soon.




Hello guys whatis live 2d work?


It is animated works, for Patreon, I will work mostly on lewd with at least 1 Live2D work per month.