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only 20 mins into the episode so I don't know if you figured it out, but yes, it's the same Keita from yg treasure box :)


there are loadsssss of currently active idols and people who were previously in groups in the show, for example woongki and seongmin were pulled out from TO1 unfairly due to the company not thinking they fit the groups new image as they were re-branded etcetc (there's a whole lot to this situation). There's winnie, seowon and jiho from nine.i, seunghwan who was in 1the9 (group from the survival show underninteen) and so many other people.


the talent pool in this show is actually crazy. people were not excited about this show at first esp following gp999 and how much worse it performed compared to produce series, but the contestants really made this show. i too was attached to soo many of them that when u can only vote for 3 (or 1!) it was terrible 😭 the next episode is so much fun, cant wait to see your reaction to it ❣️


i have to admit i was one of the people not that interested in this show and more interested in Peak Time, but this might already be one of my fav survival shows! Oh man, voting for so few of the boys must have been torture. Makes me kinda glad i'm only watching this now. But at the same time that means I can't vote for anyone!! 😭😭


YES! So nice to see him again. And he's sooo good! You can def see all that time he spend as a trainee.


oh man...rebranding a group in a way that (according to the company) doesn't even fit two members?!?! That's a dick move....

ana maria

actually 3 members , its just that minsu decided to leave the idol scene and continue a "normal" life