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Greetings Conquerors!

From here on until the update releases these progress updates are going to be more about how far along each feature is in the update rather than just introducing new features. Here is a list of all the features and how complete they are:

By far, the scripting and getting things to work are the most challenging parts of the mod but for the most part that is all taken care of so right now my focus is mostly on fixing things that aren't completely working right and adding a lot of the functionalities that I finished to other concepts of the features.

You may have also noticed "Vampire Faction" is listed even though I never discussed that with you before. I did do some experimenting with it and I think I can feasibly do that quickly and include it in this update. However, it is the lowest on the priority list right now and I'm going to focus on finishing up the rest of the features first before I get started on it. Worst case scenario, I release it in a later update. However I'll still go over my plans for it with you all:

Vampire Faction

This was also a feature that I have been requested for quite a few times. For vampire conquerors, you will have the option to turn any member of your government and commanders into vampires. They'll receive all of the vanilla perks that the game provides vampires including greater power at night and increased weakness to fire and sun.

It doesn't just end there though. You will also have the option of ordering your vampire commanders to also turn any troops they recruit, who will receive the same buffs. 

Like the player, your troops will have four stages of vampirism that they can progress through with each stage causing them to be more vampiric and amplifying both the power and weaknesses of vampirism. But what if we want out troops to always be at a specific stage of vampirism?

You will now have the ability to assign prisoners to specific armies, who will follow the army around. If it is a vampire army these prisoners will become cattle and the troops in that army will feed on them in order to satiate their bloodlust when they need to, forcing them back to the stage you want to set them at.

This really adds a whole new playstyle to the mod as you will need to make decisions like a vampire (i.e. only attacking cities/forts at night). You will also be royally screwed if your enemies attack you during the daytime and you only have vampires to defend.

Anyway that's basically all I have for this progress update. I'm going to try and work as efficiently as I can to get this update out to you all as soon as it's good to go! Thank you all!


JoMama KidRiley

100% worth the wait! While the rest of us are sitting around doing nothing LETS GET THE WORD OUT ABOUT THIS MOD. This mod is 100% what i myself have tried to make by cobbling a bunch of other mods together. That, and this mod is by far the most FUNCTIONAL of all other mods that aim to do as much as this one. Get on your SS platforms and let ya friends know!


Looking forward to playing 0.3 when it's done - a vampire faction would be very interesting. Soaring as a Vampire Lord as the leader of a vampire army will be fun indeed, hopefully not too OP.

True Gentleman

The vampire army idea sounds dope but would rather just have it in a future update than have it hold everything else up. Might just be me though. Great stuff either way.