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Greetings Conquerors!

I apologize for my absence this past month as I was busy with my finals and finishing up my degree. But now I have returned and boy do I have some stuff to show you! There's a lot to go over so I'll split all of this into a couple of posts.

Firstly, there are now two additional things you will need to keep track of when you are managing your cities and villages: crime and unemployment! I'll start with unemployment:


Each city has a population, and with that each member of your city's population will want a job. These jobs are provided by the buildings that you upgrade in the city (the farms, mines, and lumber mills) and each upgrade you give them will provide more jobs as well as increase the population of your city as people will begin moving in to fill these jobs as well. Each filled job adds to the amount of resources your city produces. 

However, there will always be a limited amount of jobs and not everyone will be able to have one. This is where unemployment comes in. Each citizen who does not have a job will be added to an unemployed number of citizens. As the unemployment number goes up, you will start to see more beggars wandering through your city.

So how do we deal with this problem? We give them a purpose... in our army! With this update you will be given the ability to write laws for your faction or the individual cities and villages inside of it. I'll go more in depth on this later but for now we'll write a law to draft the unemployed people into our army. 

We have the option to draft 25, 50, 75, or 100 percent of the unemployed people. We'll go with 100 percent to eradicate unemployment completely. These laws can also be written for specific cities which will overrule laws written for the entire faction.

Before Law:

One Day After Law:

And Voila! Unemployment has been eradicated and we now have more people we can recruit into the army!

However, with laws like this, you must keep in mind that your citizens may or may not like your laws. Therefore, the loyalty of your cities will go down if you decide to just draft people into the army against their will. Unemployment even affects cities you don't own, and you can ask Jarls of these cities for permission to recruit from their unemployed population.


Now onto the next topic: Crime! 

First, one big change from the previous version is that guards will no longer automatically spawn when you conquer a city. You will now need to hire each and every one of them at the cost of 250 Gold each and 1 Food per day. 

Crime is something that will always be prevalent in any society. The cities of Skyrim is no exception. The amount of crimes committed in your cities are determined by a variety of factors such as the amount of guards you have, the amount and loyalty of your population, the unemployment rate, and how harsh you are with your punishments. You will also start to see crimes happening throughout your city.

A high crime rate will cause your citizens to lose faith in your leadership so how do we punish those who would commit crime in our cities? We decide their fates in court! I'll go over this in the next post...


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